Deadline Dates
February 23, 3015: Abstracts for contributed (lecture and poster) and minisymposium speakers
How to participate
You are invited to contribute to this conference by the following formats.Minisymposia
A minisymposium consists of at most four (and at least 3) 25-minute presentations, with an additional five minutes for questions after each presentation. You may propose at most three minisymposia.Minisymposium organizers are asked to submit a proposal consisting of a title, a description (< 100 words) and a list of speakers using this form by
Each minisymposium speaker should submit an abstract (< 75 words) here. The organizing committee will referee the proposals.
The deadline for submission of minisymposium proposals is on
The deadline for submission of minisymposium speaker abstracts is on February 23rd.
Contributed Presentations in Lecture or Poster Format
Contributed presentations in lecture or poster format are invited in all areas of applied mathematics. A lecture format involves 25-minute oral presentation with an additional 5 minutes for discussion. For poster presenters, the posters will be mounted on an easel with a black poster board. The maximum dimension of the poster allowed is 60'' by 40'', but it is sensible to make your poster around 48'' by 36''. Your poster can be mounted horizontally or vertically. Each contributor (poster or lecture) must submit a title and an abstract (< 75 words) here.The deadline for submission of contributed title/abstract is on February 23rd.