Plenary Speakers
Yuefan Deng, Stony Brook University

Yuefan Deng is a Professor of Applied Mathematics at Stony Brook University, a Mt. Tai Scholar at the National Supercomputer Center of China in Jinan, China's most prestigious Thousand-Scholar Program awardee, and a Visiting Professor of Computer Science at National University of Singapore. Prof. Deng earned his BA (1983) in Physics from Nankai University and his PhD (1989) in Theoretical Physics from Columbia University. Prof. Deng's research covers parallel computing, molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo methods, and biomedical engineering. He published more than 85 papers in these areas and supervised 25 doctoral theses. He was the architect of Galaxy Beowulf Supercomputer at Stony Brook built in 1997 and of NankaiStars Supercomputer, China's fastest computing facility when it was completed in 2004. He also built a supercomputer prototype called RedNeurons in 2007 with financial support from China's Ministry of Science and Technology and Shanghai's Commission of Science and Technology. His research in US is supported by DOE, NSF, NIH, as well as New York State. He lectured widely in the USA, Germany, Russia, Brazil, Singapore, as well as China.
Irena Lasiecka, University of Memphis

Irena Lasiecka joined the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Memphis in August 2013 as a Distinguished University Professor and Chair. Prior to that she was Commonwealth Professor of Mathematics, an endowed chair, at the University of Virginia, an institution where she served as a Full Professor since 1987. She received her PhD in Mathematics in 1975 from the University of Warsaw. Prof. Lasiecka's research interests include partial differential equations and related stability and control theory and dynamical systems. She has published 8 research monographs and over 300 research papers. She has supervised over 24 PhD theses. She serves in numerous editorial boards including Editor in-Chief of Applied Mathematics and Optimization, Springer Verlag. From 2003 to 2009, she was the Chair of Technical Committee 7 (Modeling and Optimization) of IFIP, from which she received the Silver Core Award in 1989. Her research work has been continuously supported by the National Science Foundation, AFOSR and ARO.
Tai-Ping Liu, Academia Sinica and Stanford

Tai-Ping Liu received his B.S. degree in Mathematics form Taiwan Univevsity in 1968, M. S. degree form Oregon State University in 1970, and Ph. D. degree from University of Michigan in 1973. He has been a faculty member of University of Maryland, 1973-1988, New York University, 1988-1990, and Stanford Univevsity since 1990. In 2000 he joins the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica as Distinguished Research Fellow. In 1992 he was elected Academician of Academia Sinica. His research interests center around Nonlinear partial differential equations, shock wave theory, and kinetic theory.
James Nagy, Emory University

James Nagy is a Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at Emory University. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from North Carolina State University in 1991. Before joining Emory University in 1999 he had postdoctoral research fellowships with the IMA at the University of Minnesota, with the NSF at the University of Maryland, and was on the faculty at Southern Methodist University. He is on the editorial boards of SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC), SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (SIMAX), Numerical Algorithms, and the Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (ELA). His research interests include numerical linear algebra, structured matrix computations, and numerical solution of inverse problems in image processing.