
28 May
Monday (5/31), no lecture (Memorial Day)
Tuesday (6/1), quiz 2 during Discussion Section
Wednesday (6/2), H7 and talk outline are due

21 May
H6 is updated. If you haven't done so, please send me your paper reference (by Wed 5/26). The sign-up sheet to schedule your talk is posted outside my door (MS 6180).

10 May
Quiz Dates: May 18th, June 1st, and June 8th (in your Discussion)

3 May
Correction on review sheet: sections covered 1-3, 5-8, 10-14, 17-22.

28 April
Midterm exam will be given on May 5th.

Office Hrs: (for next week)
Carmeliza: M 3-4pm, T 3-5pm, or by appt (Wed 10am OH is cancelled)
Anthony: T 11am-12pm, W 12:30-1:30pm

Review Session on Tuesday during Discussion.
Download review questions.
A page of notes is allowed (8.5in x 11in, just front page)
Closed book and no calculators.

19 April
Problem 13.3b:
Estimate r1 and r2 using Taylor's expansion on (1-4mk/c^2)^(1/2). Assuming r1=0 and r2=-c/m does not model the qualitative behavior.
Problem 13.3c:
Sketch using initial conds: x(0)=0 and dx/dt(0)=v0 with r1 and r2 from 13.3b

7 April
See H1 for assigned problems.
TA's (Anthony Lock) office hours: T 11-12 and W 12:30-1:30 at MS 2951 and Th 2-3 at MS 3974.