Tentative Syllabus

Week Lecture Date Reading Topic
1 4th April 0.1 Zabczyk Intro to mathematical control theory
6th April I,1.1-1.2 Zabczyk Linear ODE's/controllability
8th April I,1.3,1.6 Zabczyk Controllability matrix
2 11th April I,2.1 Zabczyk Controllability
13th April I,2.4 Zabczyk Observability
15th April I,2.5 Zabczyk Stability of control system
3 18th April I,2.6 Zabczyk Stability of control system, cont'd.
20th April I, Zabczyk Stabilizability and controllability
22nd April I, Zabczyk Detectability and observability
4 25th April II, Zabczyk Nonlinear system
27th April II, Zabczyk Controllability and observability
29th April II, Zabczyk; Khalil Lyapunov stability
5 2nd May II, Zabczyk; Khalil Lyapunov stability, cont'd.
4th May III, Zabczyk Optimal control
6th May III, Zabczyk Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman PDE
6 9th May III, Zabczyk Linear-quadratic-regulator problem
11th May III, Zabczyk Stability of the Riccati Equation
13th May Special lecture: Applications of control
7 16th May Sontag Tracking problem
18th May Sontag Deterministic Kalman filter
20th May UCLA Control Symposium
8 23rd May Bardi and Capuzzo-Dolcetta; Lewin Intro to differential games
25th May Ho, Bryson, and Baron Differential games; linear-quadratic games
27th May Ho, Bryson, and Barson Differential games, cont'd
9 30th May No class (Memorial Day)
1st June Ho, Bryson, and Baron Differential games; maximum principle
3rd June Presentation
10 6th June Presentation
8th June Presentation
10th June Presentation