Additional Images
Director: | Claude Miller |
Date Added: | 2007-06-27 |
ASIN: | B000GW28CU |
UPC: | 624262160069 |
Price: | $39.99 |
Genre: | Drama |
IMDb: | 0098087 |
Collection ID: | FR 265 |
Duration: | 109 |
Picture Format: | Widescreen |
Languages: | French |
Subtitles: | None |
Summary: In a small town in post-World-War-II France, an unhappy sixteen-year-old (Janine Castang) tries to escape her dreary situation by any means at her disposal. Three successive friends (Michel Davenne, a married lover; Raoul, a fellow thief; Mauricette Dargelos, a photographer and fellow prisoner) help her learn from her mistakes.