Summary: Demons in the Garden is a story, told through the eyes of the main protagonist, young boy Juanito. This story is about provincial family, with a grand-mother as the head of it. The people in the family are not necessarily bad people, but the family itself is a very dysfunctional one. Juanito lives in a house full of women, and lack of a father-figure in his life starts to show. The timing of the story is Spanish Civil War. The women are in the center of it: they are dressed in black, they are deceived by men, the are jealous of each other sometimes, and they are supportive at other times...But, they are NEVER WEAK.
There is a lot of social and political satire in this film. You will even see general Franco's picnic in the bushes.
After all happenings in Juanito's young emotional and physical life, the ending of this film might leave you un-settled. But, that is just one part of Spanish cinematic tradition. You can make up your own continuation of the story in your mind.