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Director: | Alejandro Landes |
Date Added: | 2010-01-06 |
Genre: | Documentary |
IMDb: | 0925230 |
Collection ID: | SP 241 |
Languages: | Spanish, Quechua |
Subtitles: | English |
Summary: Born out of the U.S. war on drugs, an Aymara Indian coca leaf grower ('cocalero') named Evo Morales travels through the Andes and Amazon in jeans and sneakers, leading an historic bid to become Bolivia's first indigenous president. The filmmakers, granted astonishing up close and personal access to Evo, capture the intimate moments of tis controversial figure and his triumphant rise to power. A story of geopolitics, people's movements, Indigenous culture, and one man's impressive determination, "Cocalero" is a "luminous portrait of working people in rare triumph against U.S. imperialism" (Prairie Miller, WBAI Radio).