David L. Shealy

Ph.D., University of Georgia, 1973

Professor and Chair

Research Interests:

The main research focus is directed towards fundamental understanding of new optical systems for applications using lasers and soft-x-rays to characterize and process materials.  Recent work includes holographic projection processing of micro-optical devices, development of genetic algorithm optimization and differential equation methods for designing of laser beam shaping systems, and using diffraction theory and geometrical optics for simulating the performance of laser and free-electron laser cavities/systems and of soft-x-ray optical elements as applied to multi-layer and grazing incident microscopes and projection lithography.

Keywords:  geometrical optics; caustic theory; aberration theory; optical design; optimization; genetic algorithms; differential equations; laser beam shaping; numerical analysis; and mathematical physics.

UAB Verari HPC Cluster 

Physicist David Shealy and Computer Scientist John-Paul Robinson are working together to bring this Verari and other HPC cluster online running Lynx operating system with support of the Portland Group compilers.  This parallel computer is part of the UAB Cyberinfrastructure that lets UAB researchers participate in the development and use of the international computational grid via high-performance communications network Internet2. Robinson, Shealy, and others are working to enable all UAB HPC clusters to be accessible via UAB grid computing technologies.


List of 10 significant publications:

1.      D. L. Shealy and J. A. Hoffnagle, “Laser beam shaping profiles and propagation,” Appl. Opt. 45.21, 5118-5131, 2006.

2.      D.L. Shealy and J. A. Hoffnagle, “Aspheric Optics for Laser Beam Shaping,” in Encyclopedia of Optical Engineering, edited by Ron Driggers, DOI: 10.1081/E-EOE-120029768, ISBN: 0-8247-0940-3 (paper) 0-8247-0939-X (electronic), (Taylor & Francis, 2006).

3.       D. L. Shealy, “Chapter 9: History of Beam Shaping,” in Laser Beam Shaping Applications, edited by Fred M. Dickey, Scott C. Holswade and David L. Shealy, ISBN 0-8247-5941-9, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2006, pp. 307-347.

4.      D. L. Shealy, J. A. Hoffnagle and K-. H. Brenner, “Analytic beam shaping for flattened output irradiance profiles,” in Laser Beam Shaping VII, edited by Fred M. Dickey and David L. Shealy, Proc. SPIE 6290, 6290006-1-11, 2006.

5.      D. L. Shealy and S-H. Chao, “Geometrical optics-based design of laser beam shapers,” Optical Engineering 42.11, 3123-3138, November 2003.

6.      D. L. Shealy and J. H. Hoffnagle, “Beam shaping profiles and propagation,” in Laser Beam Shaping VI, edited by Fred M. Dickey and David L. Shealy, Proceedings SPIE 5876: OD1-11, 2005.

7.      J. H. Hoffnagle and D. L. Shealy, “Effects if dispersion on the performance of a refractive beam shaper,” in Laser Beam Shaping VI, edited by Fred M. Dickey and David L. Shealy, Proceedings SPIE 5876: OG1-10, 2005.

8.      D. L. Shealy and S-H Chao, “Design of GRIN laser beam shaper,” in Laser Beam Shaping V Conference, edited by Fred M. Dickey and David L. Shealy, Proceedings SPIE 5525, 138-147, 2004.

9.      D. L. Shealy, “Optical design of laser beam shaping systems,” in International Optical Design Conference 2002, edited by Jose Sasian and Paul K. Manhart, Proceedings SPIE 4832, 344-358, 2002.

10.  D.L. Shealy, “Chapter 4: Geometrical Methods,” in Laser Beam Shaping Theory and Techniques, edited by Fred M. Dickey and Scott C. Holswade, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2000: 163-213.