Yulia Karpeshina
Department of Mathematics
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, Alabama 35294
E-mail: karpeshi@math.uab.edu
Fax: (205) 934-9025
Telephone: (205) 934-2154
List of Publications
A. Articles in refereed journals
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "Eigenfunctions of Schrödinger
equation with zero-range periodic potential of the two-dimensional lattice
type in three-dimensional space." Vestnik Leningr. Univer., 1981,
No.19, pp. 58-64.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "Expansion theorem in eigenfunctions
for scattering problem by uniform periodic carriers of chain types in three-dimensional
space," in: Problems of mathematical Physics, v.10, Leningrad, pp
147 -- 175, 1982; Engl. transl. Sel. Math. Sov. 4, 3 (1985), pp. 259 --
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "Spectrum and eigenfunctions of
Schrödinger operator with zero-range potential of the homogeneous
lattice type in three dimensional space." Theor. Math. Phys, 57(1983),
pp. 1156 - 1162.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "Spectrum and eigenfunctions of
Schrödinger operator with the zero-range potential of the homogeneous
two-dimensional lattice type in three-dimensional space Theor. Math. Phys.
57(1983), pp. 1231-1237.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "Decomposition theorem for Schroedinger
operator with a zero-range potential of the lattice type." Theory
of operators and functions, Issue 1, (in Russian) Izd. Leningr. Univ.,
1983, pp. 115-136.
- Karpeshina Yu. E. "Decomposition theorem for eigenfunctions
of the Schrödinger operator with a homogeneous two-dimensional lattice
of zero-range potentials in three-dimensional space." Vestnik Leningrad.
Univ., 1984, No.1, pp. 9-15.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "Investigation of wave processes
in domains with noncompact inclusions", Review by the author of Ph.D
thesis, (in Russian) Izd. Leningr. Univ. 1984, pp. 1-8.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "A model of a crack in a plate."
The problems of Mathematical analysis, Issue 10 (in Russian), Izd. Leningr.
Univ. 1986.
- Karpeshina Yu.E., Pavlov B.S. "Zero-range interaction
for biharmonic and polyharmonic equations", Matematicheskie zametki,
V.40, No.1 (1986), pp. 528-533.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "Perturbation theory for polyharmonic
operator with a nonsmooth periodic potential," Zapiski nauchnich seminarov
LOMI, V. 169 (1988), pp. 76-83.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "Perturbation theory for a polyharmonic
operator with a periodic potential." Math. USSR Izvestiya, V.34 (1990),
No.1, pp. 43-64.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "Perturbation Theory for the Schrödinger
operator with a periodic nonsmooth potential." Soviet. Math. Dokl.
Vol. 40 (1990), 3, pp. 614 -- 618.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "Interaction of a free wave with
a semicrystall", Zapiski nauchnich seminarov LOMI, V.186 (1990), pp.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "Perturbation theory for polyharmonic
operator with a nonsmooth periodic potential." in: Problems of mathematical
physics (in Russian), v. 13, Izd. Leningr. Univ., 1991, pp. 132-153.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "Perturbation theory for the Schrödinger
operator with a periodic potential", Proceedings of the Steklov Institute
of Mathematics, 1991, Issue 3, pp. 109-145.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "Perturbation theory formulas for
the Schrödinger equation with a non-smooth periodic potential",
Math. USSR Sbornik, V.71 (1992), No.1, pp. 101-123.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "Perturbation formulae for the
Schrödinger operator with a periodic potential near planes of diffraction,"
Mathematical Research Letters, V.2 (1995), pp 59-74.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "Perturbation series for the Schrödinger
operator with a periodic potential near planes of diffraction," Communications
in Analysis and Geometry, 4, 3, 1996, pp 339 - 413.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "Perturbation Theory for the Schrödinger
operator with a periodic potential," #1663, in series "Lecture Notes in Mathematics,"
Springer-Verlag, 1997, 352 pp.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "On the density of states for the periodic Schrödinger
operator" Arkiv for matematik, 38, 1, 2000, pp 111 - 137.
B. Contributions to conference proceedings and others.
- Karpeshina Yu. E."Perturbation theory for Schrödinger
equation with a periodic potential" Schrödinger operators, standard
and nonstandard, Ed. P. Exner and P. Seba, World Scientific, 1989, pp.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "Geometrical background for the
perturbation theory for the polyharmonic operator with a periodic potential."
Topological Phases in Quantum Theory, Ed. Markovski, S. Vinitsky, World
Scientific, 1989, pp. 251-276.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "Zero-range model of P-scattering",
Preprint ETH, Zurich, 1992, pp. 1-16.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "Perturbation formulae for polyharmonic
operator with a periodic potential near planes of diffraction," Preprint
ETH, Zurich, 1992, pp. 1-21.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "The formulae for eigenfunctions
of the periodic Schrödinger operator on the isoenergetic surface."
Preprint University of Augsburg, #312, 1994.
- Karpeshina Yu.E. "Interaction of a free wave with
a semicrystal", Journees "Equations aux derivativees partielles"
Proceedings of the International Conference on Partial Differential Equations.
Saint-Jean-de-Monts, 29 Mau au 2 June 1995, pp XIX.1-XIX.8
- Karpeshina Yu.E., McLaughlin J.R. "Two methods of solution
of the three dimensional inverse nodal problem", Journees "Equations
aux derivees partielles"
Seminaire, Ecole Polytechnique, U.M.R. 7640 du C.N.R.S.,
1997-1998, pp I.1-I.9
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