Programs of Study

Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical engineering (BME) is the application of engineering principles and technology to the solution of problems in the life sciences and medicine. The Department of Biomedical Engineering at UAB offers the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees. An undergraduate minor is also available. Highly qualified students interested in pursuing undergraduate research can apply to the BME Honors program.

Our research and teaching programs are focused in the areas of Functional Imaging, Cardiac Electrophysiology, and Biomedical Implants. However, BME enjoys strong collaborations with other departments and centers at UAB, particularly those in the Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, and many other research and training opportunities are available. For information on the types of research projects that are under way, check the links to individual BME faculty members below.

With the B.S. or M.S. degree, employment is usually found in medical centers or hospitals, in industry with manufacturers of medical products, or with government agencies, health care groups, or computer application groups. These degrees are also strong preparation for further professional training such as medical or dental school. Doctoral candidates are usually preparing for careers in research, teaching, or advanced design and development.

Prospective students for the graduate program should have earned a bachelor’s degree in a field of engineering. Students with undergraduate degrees in the physical sciences, life sciences, or mathematics may be accepted into the program but will be required to demonstrate competence in engineering areas usually found in an undergraduate curriculum.

Degrees offered

BME Honors Program

BME Minor

Course Descriptions Fall 2003

Research Opportunities

Biomedical Engineering Faculty and Staff

Learning Outcomes Assessment

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