(205) 934-8088, mirov@uab.edu
PRESENTATIONS (287 contributed,
Novel tunable
lasers for medicine and technology”, S.B.Mirov*, invited
lecture presented to the Faculty of Engineering, Ibaraki University,
Hitachi, Japan, 1995.
Laser with a Superbroadband or Multiline Spectral
Output”, S.B. Mirov* and T.T.
3. “Pulsed Laser Deposition of Calcium Phosphate
Coatings”, H.Zeng*, W.Lacefield,
and S.B.Mirov, contributed talk presented to the 9th
Annual Alabama Materials Research Conf. (Sponsored by NSF-EPSCoR),
September 26-27,1995.
4. “Color Center Crystals for Quantum Electronics”, S.B.
Mirov*, colloquium presented to the Department of Physics, Auburn University,
Auburn, October 16, 1995
Studies in Sc:CaF2 and Sc,Ce:CaF2 crystals”, A.Yu.Dergachev, S.B.Mirov*,
colloquium presented to the Department of Physics, The University of Alabama at
Birmingham, Birmingham, November 3,1995
“Room Temperature
Stable Color Center Laser, LiF:F2+** Material, and Method
of Lasing”, S.B.Mirov*
and A.Yu. Dergachev, The UAB Research Foundation
Invention Disclosure Document, December 18, 1995.
7. “Application of Tunable Color Center Lasers to Trace
Element Analysis”, S.B. Mirov*, invited
talk presented to the Space Science and Technology Alliance Meeting (Global
Hydrology and Climate Center, NASA), Huntsville, AL, January 22, 1996.
“Room Temperature
Color Center Lasers, Practical Applications” S.B.Mirov*,
invited lecture presented to the
Spectra-Physics Lasers, Inc. Special Seminar, Mountain View, CA, February 1,
9. ”Investigation of Luminescent Properties of Sc:CaF2
and Sc,Ce:CaF2 Crystals as promising New Media for UV Tunable
Lasers”, S. B. Mirov*, A. Yu. Dergachev, W.A. Sibley, L. Esterowitz,
V.B.Sigachev, A.G. Papashvili,
contributed talk presented to the Advanced Solid State Laser Conf., San
Francisco, January 31-February 3, 1996.
10. “Detection of Hepatitis B Surface Protein by Means of
Laser Spectroscopy”, A.Yu.Dergachev, A.B.Kudryavtsev, S.B.Mirov*, M.McCracken, contributed talk presented to the 15 Southern
Biomedical Engineering Conf., Dayton, Ohio, March 29-31,1996.
11. “Raman Characterization of the Quality of Protein
Crystals,” A.B.Kudryavtsev*, S.B.Mirov,
L.J.DeLucas, colloquium presented to the Center for
Microgravity and Materials Research, The University of Alabama at Huntsville,
Huntsville, AL, May 13, 1996.
12. “A Laser Raman Spectrometer Suitable for Incorporation
into Lander Spacecraft,” T.J. Wdowiak, D.G.Agresti*, A.B. Kudryavtsev
and S.B. Mirov, contributed talk presented to the Point Clear Exobiology
Instrumentation Workshop, Fairhope, AL, May 13-18,1996.
13. “Laser Applications for Water Quality Analyses”, A.Yu.Dergachev, S.B.Mirov and R.
Pitt*, invited talk presented to ALT’96 International Conference on Laser
Methods for Biological and Environmental Applications, Heraklion, Crete, Greece,
May 19-23, 1996.
14. ”Superbroadband or Multiwavelength Transmitter for Optical Communication
Systems”, S.B.Mirov, G.J.Grimes*,
“Alexandrite laser Passive Q-switching and
Spectral Output Enhancing Up To 0.7-1.15 mm”, S.B. Mirov*, A.Yu.
Dergachev, V.F.Fleurov, V.A. Konyushkin,
contributed talk presented to the Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics,
Anaheim, CA, June 2-7, 1996.
“Detection of
Hepatitis B Surface Protein By Means Of laser Spectroscopy” A.Yu.
Dergachev, A.B. Kudryuvtsev, S.B. Mirov*, M.
McCracken, contributed talk presented to the Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics, Anaheim, CA, June 2-7, 1996.
”Sun-Color Color Center
Laser”, T.T.
”Superbroadband LiF Color Center
Laser”, T.T.
“Investigation of
Luminescence Properties of Sc, Ce: CaF2
Crystals”, S.B.Mirov, A Yu. Dergachev*, W.A. Sibley,
V.B. Sigachev, A.G. Papashvili,
“Nature and
Optical Properties of N1- Centers in LiF
Crystals”, S.B.Mirov, A Yu. Dergachev,* V.F. Fleurov, V.A. Konyushkin,
contributed talk presented to the 13th International Conference on Defects in
Insulating Crystals, Wake Forest University, July 15-19, 1996.
21. “New Trends In Tunable Lasers Based On Color Center
and Radiationally Pertubed
Doped Crystals” S.B.Mirov*, invited talk The Int. Conf. on Luminescence and Optical
Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL’96), Prague, Czech Rep., August 18-23,
22. “Powerful, room-temperature stable LiF:F2+**
tunable laser”, S.B.Mirov,* A.Yu. Dergachev,
contributed talk presented to Photonics West’97, (Lase’97 Symposium), San Jose,
CA, February 10-15, 1997.
23. “Novel laser atomic fluorescence spectrometer for
environmental and biomedical analyses of heavy metals”, Dergachev, A.Yu, S.B.Mirov*, contributed
talk presented to Photonics West’97, (BiOS’97 Symposium), San Jose, CA,
February 10-15, 1997.
24. “Raman Spectroscopy for in situ evaluation of
high-grade malignant gliomas induced in scid mice”, C.E.Clary*, A.Yu.Dergachev, S.B.Mirov, G.Y.Gillespie,
contributed talk presented to Photonics West’97, (BiOS’97 Symposium), San Jose,
CA, February 10-15, 1997.
25. “Investigation of the orientational
ordering in tetragonal Lysozyme by Raman method”, A.B.Kudryavtsev*,
S.B.Mirov, L.J.DeLucas, T.T.
26. “Color center powder lasers: spectroscopy and
stimulated emission”, M.A.Noginov*, N.Noginova, S.U.Egarievwe, H.J.Caulfield, P.Venkateswarlu, A.Williams, S.B.Mirov,
contributed talk presented to the Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics,
Baltimore, Maryland, May 18-23, 1997.
27. “Room temperature stable color center laser, LiF:F2+**
material, and method of lasing”, S.B.Mirov* and A.Yu. Dergachev, Patent Application and Patent Cooperation
treaty of US provisional Application 60/015,024, submitted April 18, 1997.
28. “Semiconductor laser with a superbroadband
or multiline spectral output”, S.B.Mirov* and T.T.
29. "Laser Characterization of Waste Materials" S.Mirov*, A.Dergachev, J.Randolph, R.Pitt. K.Parmer, contributed talk presented to the NSF/EPSCoR workshop on Added Value Reclamation of Solid
Waste", Auburn, AL July 22-23, 1997.
30. “Laser atomic characterization of materials”, S.B.Mirov* invited
lecture presented at Materials Characterization and Optical Probes
Techniques, Critical Reviews, part of SPIE’s Optical Science, Engineering and
Instrumentation’97 Conference, 27 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, CA.
31. "Detection of Singlet Oxygen by Means of Laser
and EPR Spectroscopies", A.Capers*, S.Mirov contributed talk presented to the 11th
Annual Alabama Materials research Conference, Huntsville, AL, September 25-26,
32. "All Solid State Laser System Continuously
Tunable Over 0.2-10 Micron Spectral Range" S.Mirov*,
Presentation of results on SBIR grant, Somerset, NJ, November 1997.
33. "All Solid State Laser System Continuously
Tunable Over 0.2-10 Micron Spectral Range" S.Mirov*,
Invited talk at Ballistic Missile Defence Organization, Huntsville, AL, December 1997.
34. "All Solid State laser System with 0.72-1.3 mm Tuning Range Based on Alexandrite Laser" S.Mirov* and A.Dergachev,
contributed talk presented to the International Conference on Lasers'97, New Orleans, Lousiana, December 15-19, 1997.
35. "Implications
of laser light characteristics on the Raman signal-to-noise ratio in diagnostic
analysis of glioblastoma multiforme", C.E.Clary*, S.B.Mirov, G.Y.Gillespie, contributed
talk presented to the Optical Biopsy Conference, San Jose, CA, January 25-26, 1998.
36. "Raman
Spectroscopy for Biomedical Applications", S.B.Mirov*
contributed talk presented to the ALVIS Center meeting, Guntersville, AL, March
14-14, 1998.
37. "Mid-IR tunable downconversion
in Ag3AsS3" D.I.Crouthamel,
W. Lee, S.B.Mirov*, A.Okorogu, D.F.Heller, J.C.Walling, W-B.Yan, contributed talk presented to the Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics,
San Francisco, CA, May 3-8, 1998.
38. "Polarized Raman Spectroscopy of Disulfide Bonds
in the Tetragonal Lysosyme Single Crystals" A.B.Kudryavtsev*, S.B.Mirov, L.J.DeLucas, T.T.
39. "All Solid State Laser System, Continuously Tunable
Over 0.2-10 Micron Spectral Range", S.B. Mirov*, A.O.Okorogu,
W. Lee, D.I. Crouthamel, N. Jenkins, K. Graham, A. R.
Gallian, A.Yu. Dergachev, W.B. Yan, W.J. Strachan, T.F. Steckroat, D. F. Heller, J.C. Walling contributed talk
presented to the 1998 International
Conference on Applications of Photonics Technology, ICAPT'98, Ottawa,
Canada, July 27-30, 1998
lasers for environmental applications”, S.B.Mirov*, invited
lecture presented to the Faculty of Engineering, Kitami Institute of
Technology, Kitami, Japan, September 7, 1998.
41. "Recent Progress in Color Center Lasers", S.B.Mirov* colloquium speaker, Department of Physics, UAB,
September 25, 1998
42. "All Solid State Laser System, Continuously Tunable
Over 0.2-10 Micron Spectral Range", S.B. Mirov*, invited speaker,
colloquium, Department of Physics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, October
6, 1998.
43. "Solid State
White Light Laser", N. Jenkins*, S.B.Mirov, A. Okorogu, 1998 OSA annual Meeting, Baltimore, October 10,
44. "Generation of
Coherent Radiation Continuously Tunable in 515 nm to 650 nm Spectral Range by
Efficient Second-Harmonic Conversion of LiF:F2- Laser
Radiation", A.Yu. Dergachev*, S.B. Mirov, contributed talk presented to the Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics,
Baltimore, Maryland, May 23-28, 1999.
45. "Nonradiative
relaxation and inhomogeneous splitting of aggregated optical centers in CaF2:
Nd3+", Y. V. Orlovskii*, T. T.
46. "Solid State
White Light Laser", N. Jenkins*, S.B.Mirov, A. Okorogu, 1998 OSA annual Meeting, Baltimore, October 10,
47. “Raman Study of the Ordering of Internal Water in Thaumatin and Lysozyme Crystals”, A.B.Kudryavtsev,
S.B.Mirov*, C.D.Smith, G.
“Low Frequency
Raman Spectroscopy of Lysozyme in Crystal and Solution”, A.B.Kudryavtsev*,
S.B.Mirov, L.J.DeLucas (May
2000), contributed talk presented to the 8th International
Conference on the Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules, Sandestin, Florida (USA), May 14-19, 2000.
properties and mechanisms of superbroadband lasing
from F2+-like color centers in LiF"
N.W. Jenkins*, S.B. Mirov, contributed talk presented to Optical Society of
America Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA, September 1999.
“Middle infrared tunable system based on alexandrite laser”, S.B.Mirov*,
contributed talk presented to Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, San
Jose, CA, September 1999.
properties and mechanisms of superbroadband lasing
from F2+** and F2+**-like
color centers in LiF", N.W. Jenkins*, S.B.
Mirov, Naval Research Labs, Washington, DC, for National Research Council
Associateship application, September 1999
52. "A Novel laser Breakdown Spectrometer for
Environmental Monitoring”, S.B.Mirov*, R.E. Pitt, A.
Dergachev, W. Lee, D.V. Martyshkin, O.D. Mirov, J.J.Randolph,
L.DeLucas, C.G.Brouillette,
53. "Spectroscopic properties and mechanisms of superbroadband lasing from F2+** and
F2+**-like color centers in LiF",
N.W. Jenkins*, S.B. Mirov, Air Force Research Labs, Wright-Patterson, AFB, for
National Research Council Associateship application, August 1999
54. “Pecularities of education
system in Russia” S.Mirov* contributed talk presented
to New Horizon’s Program, Marshall Conference Center, UAB, Birmingham, April
12, 2000.
55. “Applications of Lasers in Medicine and Technology”, S
Mirov*, four different presentations were perfomed
for High School Students visiting UAB in 1999-2000.
" Progress
Toward a Solid-State White Light Laser ", N.W. Jenkins*, S.B. Mirov,
University of Louisville, Department of Physics Seminar, Invited Speaker,
October 1, 1999.
57. Powerful ultrabroadly
tunable LiF:F2+** laser", N.W Jenkins*, S.B. Mirov,
contributed talk presented to the SPIE Photonics West Conference, San Jose, CA,
January 2000.
58. “Solid State White-Light Laser Using LiF:F2+**
Color Center Laser”N.W.Jenkins, S.B.Mirov*,
contributed talk presented to the Advanced Solid State Lasers Conference,
Davos, Switzerland, February 13-18, 2000.
59. Detection of Singlet Oxygen by Means of Laser and ESR
Spectroscopy, A.Capers, S.Mirov*,
T.Tohver, contr. talk presented to the OSA Annual
Meeting 2000, Providence, RI, Oct. 22-26, 2000.
60. “Alexandrite Laser Pump LiF:F2-
Laser”, L.Xie, S.Mirov*,
contributed talk presented to the OSA Annual Meeting 2000, Providence,
Rhode Island, October 22-26, 2000.
61. “A Laser
Breakdown Spectrometer for Environmental Analysis of Metals”, D.Martyshkin*, S.Mirov, W.Lee, R. Pitt, contributed talk presented to the 67th
Annual Southeastern Section Meeting of American Physical Society,
Starkville, Mississippi, November 2-4, 2000.
62. “Laser Characteristics of Cr2+ doped ZnS”, K.Graham*, S.Mirov, V.
63. “External Cavity Multiwavelength
or Superbroadband Diode Laser for Wavelength Division
Multiplexing Applications”, I.Moskalev*, S.Mirov, V.
64. “Spectroscopic Analysis and Persistent Photon Gated
Spectral hole Burning in LiF Crystals with F2-
Color Centers”, M.Ashenafi, V.
65. “Narowband Tunable,
Multiline, and Superbroadband Lasers for
Spectroscopic and Telecommunication Applications”, S.B.Mirov*,
(November 22, 2000) invited lecture presented at Kitami Institute of
Technology, Kitami, Japan, November 2000.
66. Multiline, and Superbroadband
Lasers for Telecommunication Applications”, S.B.Mirov*,
(November 25, 2000), invited lecture presented at Ibaraki University,
Hitachi, Japan, November 2000.
67. "Laser performance of Cr2+doped ZnS", K.Graham*, S.Mirov, V.
68. “External cavity multiline semiconductor laser for WDM
applications” I.Moskalev*, S.Mirov,
69. “External cavity multiline semiconductor laser for WDM
applications”, S.B.Mirov*, (January 2001), invited
lecture presented at Lightwave
Microelectronics, Inc. San Jose, CA, January 2001.
70. “Spectroscopic characterization and laser performance
of diffusion doped Cr2+:ZnS”, K. Graham*,
S.B. Mirov, V.V.
Performance and Technology of Preparation of Cr2+:ZnS”, S.B. Mirov*, (April 2, 2001) contributed talk
presented to the Infrared Materials Workshop, Fisk University, West End
Courtyard by Marriott, Nashville, TN, April 1-3, 2001.
72. “CdGa2S4:Cr Absorption and EPR
studies”, M.Johnson*, S.B.Mirov,
M.E.Zvanut, (April 2, 2001) contributed talk
presented to the Infrared Materials Workshop, Fisk University, West End
Courtyard by Marriott, Nashville, TN, April 1-3, 2001.
73. “Spectroscopic characterization and laser
performance of diffusion doped Cr2+:ZnS”, K. Graham*, S.B. Mirov, V.V.
74. “Persistent Photon-Gated Spectral Hole Burning in
LiF:F2- Color Center Crystal”, V.V.
75. “Multiphonon Relaxation of
Mid-IR Transitions of Rare-Earth Ions in Laser Crystals”, S.B.Mirov*
(August 17, 2001) contributed talk presented to the NSF-ECS/EPSCoR National Grantees Conference on Electronics,
Photonics and Device Technologies, Fayetteville, Arkansas, August 2001.
76. “Er fiber laser pumped CW Cr:ZnS and ZnSe lasers” S.B.Mirov* (September 15) invited lecture presented
at IPG Photonics, Inc. Starbridge, MA, September 15,
77. “Mid-IR CW Cr2+:ZnS
and ZnSe Microchip Lasers,” S.B. Mirov*, V.V.
78. “Tunable continuous-wave room-temperature Cr2+:ZnS laser,” I.T. Sorokina*, E. Sorokin, V.
79. “Er fiber laser pumped CW
and pulsed Cr:ZnS and ZnSe
microchip lasers” S.B.Mirov* (February 20) invited
lecture presented at IPG Photonics, Inc. Oxford, MA, February 20, 2002
80. “In situ Monitoring of Crystal-Solution Interface
During Lysozyme Crystal Growth via micro-Raman Spectral Imaging”, A.B.Kudryavtsev*, S.B.Mirov, L.J.DeLucas (March 25), contributed talk presented to the 9th
International Conference on the Crystallization of Biological Molecules, Jena,
Germany, March 23-28, 2002 .
"Novel All Solid State UV-Mid IR Tunable Laser Sources. Narrowband, Ultrabroadband, "White Light", and Multiline Modifications", S.Mirov* (April 12), invited lecture presented at Eglin AFB, FL, April 2002.
Relaxation of Mid IR Transitions of Rare- Earth Ions in Laser Crystals,” Yu.V.Orlovskii*, T.T.
83. “CW and pulsed Cr2+:ZnS and ZnSe microchip lasers,”
S.B. Mirov*, V.V.
84. “Broadly Tunable
Continuous-Wave Cr2+:ZnS Laser,” I.T.
Sorokina*, E. Sorokin, S. Mirov, V.
85. “Efficient, Broadly Tunable
Deep UV And Mid-IR Solid-State Laser Source,” S.B.Mirov,
86. “External cavity multiwavelength semiconductor laser,”I.
S. Moskalev*, S. B. Mirov, V. V.
87. “Efficient, Broadly Tunable
Deep UV and Mid-IR Solid State Laser Sources” S.B.Mirov*
(June 5) presentation for REU Physics Students, UAB, June 2002
88. “Cr2+:ZnS mid-IR external cavity and microchip lasers” S.B.Mirov*, (July 6) invited lecture at the Oregon State
University, Corvallis, Oregon, July 6, 2002.
89. “Transformation of spatial domain of the pumping beam
into spectral domain of the output oscillation,” I.S. Moskalev, S.B. Mirov*, V.V.
90. “Diode, fiber, and potentially
electrically pumped Cr2+:ZnS mid-IR
external cavity and microchip lasers”, S.B. Mirov*, V.V.
91. “Detection of Zn deficient
SOD by means of laser spectroscopy and surface enhanced laser spectroscopy
(SERS)”, D.V. Martyshkin*, S.B.Mirov, J.Crow, Y.Zhuang, J.Beckman, V.Ermilov, (September 30
) contributed talk presented to the OSA Annual meeting/18th Laser
Science Conference, Orlando, Florida September 29-October 3, 2002.
92. “External cavity multiwavelength semiconductor laser”, I.S. Moskalev*, S.B.Mirov, V.V.
93. “CW and gain-switched Cr2+:ZnS and ZnSe mid-IR microchip lasers”S.B.Mirov*, V.V.
94. “All solid state system based on alexandrite-LiF:F2+**
laser for deep UV (196 nm) and mid-IR (4000nm) spectral ranges”, S.B.Mirov*, V.V.
95. “Diode,
fiber, and potentially electrically pumped Cr2+:ZnS
mid-IR external cavity and microchip lasers”, S.Mirov*,
(October 17), Presentation for BTG International, Inc., Birmingham, UAB,
October 17, 2002.
Fourier-transform external cavity lasers”, I.S.Moskalev*,
S.B.Mirov, V.V.
“Detection of
Zn deficient SOD by means of laser spectroscopy and surface enhanced laser
spectroscopy (SERS)”, D.V. Martyshkin*, S.B.Mirov, J.Crow, Y.Zhuang, J.Beckman, V.Ermilov, (October 24)
contributed talk presented to the Optics in the Southeast 2002 Conference,
Huntsville, Alabama October 24-25, 2002.
ultraviolet generation in an all-solid-state laser system based on a K2Al2B2O7
crystal”, C.E.Wehrenberg*, S.B.Mirov,
99. “Er Fiber Laser Pumped Microchip and External cavity
Cr2+doped ZnS and ZnSe
mid-IR Lasers”, S.Mirov*, (May 5), invited talk
presented at the IPG Photonics Corporation, Oxford, MA, May 5, 2003.
100. “Spatial- spectral transformation of the laser
radiation” Vladimir V.
101. “Novel TM doped II-VI mid-IR lasers”, S.Mirov*, invited talk presented at the seminar of the
Laser and Materials Technology Center at the General Physics Institute, Russian
Academy of Sciences, June 27, 2003.
102. “High power, broadly tunable, Er-fiber
laser pumped Cr2+:ZnS and ZnSe mid-IR external cavity and microchip lasers” S.Mirov*, invited talk presented to the XI International
Conference Laser Optics 2003, St.-Petersburg, Russia, July 4, 2003.
103. “High Power, Broadly Tunable Mid-IR Lasers”, S.Mirov*, Presentation for the BTG International, Inc.
Birmingham, UAB, July 17, 2003.
104. “Promising materials for high density optical storage
devices”, S.Mirov*, invited talk presented to the
Physics Seminar at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, November 2003.
105. "New mid-infrared
laser materials based on transition metal doped II-VI semiconductors" S.Mirov*, contributed talk presented to the UAB Physics
Seminar, November 7, 2003.
“Novel media for Mid-IR lasers”, S.Mirov*,
contributed talk to the NSF Design Service and Manufacturing Grantees and
Research Conference, Dallas, TX January 6, 2004.\
distributed feedback color center laser using stabilized F2+**
color centers in LiF crystal”, D. Martyshkin, J.G.
Parker*, V.V.
light suppression in Raman Spectroscopy using ultrafast time gated CCD camera”,
D.V. Martyshkin, R. C. Ahuja, A. Kudriavtsev, S. B.
Mirov*, contributed talk presented to the Photonics West’ 04, San Jose, CA,
January 2004.
“Synthesis and
spectroscopic properties of Cr doped ZnS crystalline
thin films”, S. Wang, S. B. Mirov*, V. V.
“Pulse laser
deposition growth and spectroscopic properties of chromium doped ZnS crystalline thin films”, S. B. Mirov*, S. Wang, V. V.
“Multiphonon relaxation of mid- IR transitions of RE ions in
fluorite type crystals”, Yu.V.Orlovskii*, T.T.
polycrystalline Cr2+:ZnSe laser pumped by
a 1.85 mm InGaAsP/InP laser diode”, I. Moskalev, A.Gallian,
“General theory
of lasers”, S.B.Mirov*, (August 10, 2004), invited
lecture presented at Ibaraki University, Hitachi, Japan, August
materials”, S.B.Mirov*, (August 10, 2004), invited
lecture presented at Ibaraki University, Hitachi, Japan, August
“Color center lasers-principles
and applications”, S.B.Mirov* (August 19, 2004), invited
lecture presented at Ibaraki University, Hitachi, Japan, August
“Ultrabroadband and multiwavelength
spatially-dispersive lasers” S.B.Mirov* (August 19, 2004), invited lecture
presented at Ibaraki University, Hitachi, Japan, August 2004.
117. “Modern applications of
lasers and laser spectroscopy”, S.B.Mirov*
(August 20, 2004), invited lecture presented at Ibaraki University,
Hitachi, Japan, August 2004.
118. “Interprenership in optics”,
S.B.Mirov* (August 20, 2004), invited lecture
presented at Ibaraki University, Hitachi, Japan, August 2004.
119. “Evanescent cavity ring-down spectroscopy (eCRDS) of hemoglobin absorption at the silica-water
interface”, W.B. Martin*, S.Mirov, D.Martyshkin, R.Vengopalan,
contributed talk presented at Annual International Conference of the IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology, San Francisco, CA, September 2004.
120. “Photoluminescence studies of MBE grown thin films and
bulk Cr:ZnSe”, Andrew Gallian*,
121. “Laser Oscillation at 2.4 mm from Cr2+ in Znse
Optically Pumped over Cr Ionization Transitions”, A.Gallian,
122. “Multiwavelength mid-IR
spatially-dispersive CW laser based on polycrystalline Cr2+:ZnSe”, I.S.Moskalev, V.V.
123. “En Route to Electrically Pumpable Cr2+ Doped II-VI Semiconductor Lasers”,
A.Gallian*, V.V.
124. “Cr2+:ZnSe Laser
Pumped via Cr Ionization”, A.Gallian*, V.V.
125. “Summer 2005 research projects in the Laser Lab”, S.B.Mirov* talk presented to the REU physics students on
May 16, 2005.
126. “Cr2+:ZnSe Laser
Pumped over Cr Ionization Transitions”, A.Gallian, V.V.
127. “Hot-Pressed Ceramic Cr2+:ZnSe Gain-Switched Laser”, A.Gallian,
128. “Mid- IR Laser Transitions in
Nd3+ Doped CaGa2S4, PbGa2S4, and PbCl2 Laser Crystals”, Yu.V. Orlovskii*, T.T.
“MBE Growth and
study of Cr2+:ZnSe Layers for Mid-IR
Lasers”, I.P.
projects at the Laser Lab”, S.B.Mirov* talk presented
to students of Taugaloo College interested in the
Physics Graduate program at the UAB, UAB, Birmingham, June 25, 2005.
131. “Study of the optical properties of Cr2+:ZnSe epitaxial layers grown by MBE technique”, I.P.
132. “Multiwavelength, ultrabroadband semiconductor and solid-state
spatially-dispersive lasers”, I.S. Moskalev*, V.V.
133. “Co:ZnS and Co:ZnSe saturable absorbers for
alexandrite laser”, R. A. Sims*, J. Kernal, V. V.
134. “Cr2+:ZnSe Laser
Pumped Utilizing Cr Ionization”, A.Gallian*, V.V.
“UV-Mid-IR broadly tunable lasers for optical sensing”, S.Mirov* talk presented during NIST site visit, UAB,
Birmingham, October 7, 2005.
“Program: Center
for Optical Sensors and Spectroscopies”, C.Lawson*
and S.Mirov* talk presented during NSF site visit (Dr.Farwell, Director of the NSF EPSCoR),
UAB, Birmingham, October 17, 2005.
“3.9-4.5 μm gain-switched lasing of Fe:ZnSe
at room temperature” S. B. Mirov*, V. V.
138. “Advances in Optically and Possibly Electrically Pumpable Transition Metal Doped II-VI Broadly Tunable
Mid-IR Lasers”, S.B.Mirov, invited talk presented to the
2nd Symposium on Infrared Materials and Technologies (DoD), November 21-22, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, 2005.
139. “Characterization of cobalt doped ZnSe
and ZnS crystals as saturable
absorbers for alexandrite lasers”, R.A.Sims*, J.Kernal, V.V.
140. “Middle-infrared electroluminescence of n-type
Cr-doped ZnSe crystals”, L.Luke*, V.V.
141. “3.9-4.8 mm gain-switched lasing of Fe-ZnSe
at room temperature”, J.Kernal, V.V.
142. ”Mid-infrared Electroluminescence of Cr2+
Ions in ZnSe Crystals”, V.V.
143. "Room Temperature 3.9-4.5 μm
Gain-Switched Lasing of Fe:ZnSe", J. Kernal, V.
144. "Efficient Ho:YAG Laser
Resonantly Pumped by Tm-Fiber Laser", I. S. Moskalev, V.V.
145. "Stimulated Raman Scattering in the Mid IR Range
2.31-2.75-3.7 μm in a BaWO4 Crystal under 1.9
and 1.56 μm Pumping", T.
146. “Mid-IR lasers-four interrelated pieces of
intellectual property”, S.B.Mirov*, invited talk at the UABRF Venture
Capital Forum, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, March 14, 2006.
147. “Center for Optical Sensors and Spectroscopies”, C.Lawson*, S. Mirov, contributed talk presented to the
Alabama EPSCoR Annual Meeting, Tuskegee, March 28,
148. “Parametrically Amplified Room Temperature 4.4 mm Gain-Switched Fe:ZnSe
Laser” A.Gallian*,
I.S. Moskalev, V.V.Fedorov, S.B.Mirov,
and K.L. Vodopyanov, contributed
talk presented to the Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics, CLEO’06, Long Beach, CA, May 21-26, 2006.
149. “New regimes of excitation and Mid-IR lasing of
transition metal doped II-VI crystals”, S.B.Mirov*, invited talk presented to the Laser
Optics Conference, June 26-30, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2006.
150. "Optically and possibly electrically pumped Cr
and Fe doped mid-IR chalcogenide lasers", S.B.Mirov*,
invited talk presented to the Europhoton 2006, Pisa, Italy, September 10-15, 2006.
151. “Fiber-bulk hybrid systems for effective generation of
2-3 µm coherent radiation and their applications”, S.B.Mirov*,
I. Moskalev, V.Fedorov, A.Babushkin,
N.Platonov, D.Gapontsev, V.Gapontsev, invited
talk presented to the 2006 Advanced Laser Applications Conference ,
September 18-21, 2006, Novi, Michigan, USA.
152. “UAB Lasers”, S.B.Mirov*, invited talk presented to the UAB
Research Foundation Board of Directors, Birmingham, AL, September 27, 2006.
153. “En
route to broadly tunable middle-infrared optically and electrically pumped Cr2+
and Fe2+ doped II-VI semiconductor lasers”, S.B.Mirov*,
invited talk presented to the Optoelectronic Industry Development
Association (OIDA) Annual Forum, Washington, DC, December 6, 2006.
154. “Passive Q-Switching of Er:Cr:YSGG
cavities with Fe:ZnSe/S crystals”, S.B.Mirov*, invited
talk presented to the leadership of Biolase
Technologies, Inc, Irvine, CA, January 2, 2007.
155. "Optical nose: a novel
mid-infrared laser system for ultrasensitive detection of biomarkers and early
diagnosis and monitoring of diseases", talk presented to the students and
faculty of the Biomedical Engineering Department, UAB, Birmingham, January 12,
156. “Fe:ZnSe
passive q-switching of 2.8-µm Er:Cr:YSGG laser
Cavity”, A. Gallian, A. Martinez*, P. Marine, V.
Fedorov, S. Mirov, V. Badikov, D. Boutoussov, and M. Andriasyan, contributed talk presented to Photonics West’07
- Solid State Lasers XVI: Technology and
Devices, January 2007, San Jose, CA.
157. “Fe:ZnSe and ZnS polycrystalline passive Q-switching of 2.8 µm Er:Cr:YSGG laser”,
A. Gallian, A. Martinez, P. Marine, V. Fedorov, S.
Mirov*, V. Badikov, contributed talk presented to Advanced Solid State
Photonics, February 2007, Vancouver, CA.
158. “Recent progress in transition metal doped II-VI
mid-IR lasers”, S.Mirov*, V.Fedorov,
I.Moskalev, D.Martyshkin,
contributed talk presented to SPIE Symposium on Defense & Security 2007
-Laser Source Technology for Defense and Security III, 9-13 April 2007,
Orlando, Florida USA.
159. “High-power, single frequency tunable, CW, Er-fiber laser pumped Cr2+:ZnSe
laser”, I.S.Moskalev*, V.V.Fedorov,
S.B.Mirov, contributed talk presented to SPIE
Symposium on Defense & Security 2007 -Laser Source Technology for Defense
and Security III, 9-13 April 2007, Orlando, Florida USA.
160. “CW single frequency tunable, CW multi-Watt
polycrystalline, and CW Hor-Pressed ceramic Cr2+:ZnSe lasers”, I.S.Moskalev*, V.V.Fedorov, S.B.Mirov, contributed
talk presented to CLEO’07, Baltimore, MD, May 6-11, 2007.
161. “Mid-IR luminescence of nanocrystalline
II-VI semiconductors doped with transition metal ions”, C.Kim*,
D.V.Martyshkin, V.V.Fedorov,
S.B.Mirov, contributed talk presented to CLEO’07,
Baltimore, MD, May 6-11, 2007.“Room temperature, mid-infrared Cr:ZnSe and Cr:ZnS random powder
lasers”, C. Kim*, D. V. Martyshkin, V. V. Fedorov,
S.B. Mirov, contributed talk presented to Photonics West’08, San Jose,
CA, January 19-24, 2008.
162. “Iron doped CdxMn1-xTe crystals, a new gain media for
mid-IR room temperature lasers”, W. Mallory, Jr., V. V. Fedorov*, S. B. Mirov,
U. Hömmerich, W. Palosz, and
S. B. Trivedi, contributed talk presented to Photonics West’08, San Jose, CA,
January 19-24, 2008.
163. “Mid-IR photoluminescence and lasing of chromium doped
II-VI quantum dots”, D. V. Martyshkin*, C. Kim, I. S. Moskalev, V. V. Fedorov,
S. B. Mirov, contributed talk presented to Photonics West’08, San Jose, CA,
January 19-24, 2008.
164. “Power scaling of CW Cr:ZnSe
lasers”, I. Moskalev, V. Fedorov, S. B. Mirov*, contributed talk presented to
Photonics West’08, San Jose, CA, January 19-24, 2008.
“Single-Frequency, Widely-Tunable, and Multi-Watt Polycrystalline CW Cr2+:ZnSe Lasers”, I. S. Moskalev, V. V. Fedorov and S. B. Mirov*,
contributed talk presented to Advanced Solid State Photonics’08, Nara, Japan,
January 27-30, 2008.
“New gain medium for Mid-IR room temperature lasers based on Fe doped CdMnTe crystals”, W. Mallory, Jr., V. V. Fedorov, S. B. Mirov*, U. Hömmerich, W. Palosz, and S. B.
Trivedi contributed talk presented to Advanced Solid State Photonics’08, Nara,
Japan, January 27-30, 2008.
Advances in Cr2+ and Fe2+ Doped Mid-IR Laser Materials”, S.Mirov* invited talk presented to Conference on Lasers
and Electrooptics, CLEO’08, San Jose, CA, USA, May
4-9, 2008.
Kerr-Mode-Locked Polycrystalline Cr2+:ZnSe
Laser”, Igor S. Moskalev*, Vladimir V. Fedorov, and Sergey B. Mirov,
contributed talk presented to Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics,
CLEO’08, San Jose, CA, USA, May 4-9, 2008.
“Room Temperature Mid-IR Cr2+:ZnSe Random powder laser”, C. Kim*, D.V. Martyshkin, V.V. Fedorov, S.B. Mirov, contributed
talk presented to Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics,
CLEO’08, San Jose, CA, USA, May 4-9, 2008.
170. “Middle-IR
Random lasing of Cr:ZnS nanocrystalline
powder - from diffusion to photon localization regimes”, D.V. Martyshkin*, C. Kim, I.S. Moskalev, V.V. Fedorov, S.B. Mirov,
contributed talk presented to Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics,
CLEO’08, San Jose, CA, USA, May 4-9, 2008.
171. “New frontiers of Cr2+ and Fe2+
Doped II-VI Mid-IR Lasers”, S.Mirov*, invited talk presented to 21st
Annual Solid State and Diode Laser Technology Review” Albuquerque, NM, USA June
2-5, 2008.
systems for effective mid-IR lasing”, S.Mirov*, invited talk presented to 4 th International Symposium on High Power Fibre Lasers and Their Applications, St Petersburg, Russia,
June 24-26, 2008.
173. “New frontiers
of middle-infrared lasers based on transition metal doped II-VI semiconductors,
S. Mirov*, invited talk presented to
21st International Commission for Optics Congress, Sydney,
Australia, July 7-10, 2008.
“Recent Advances
in Cr2+ and Fe2+ doped ZnSe and
ZnS mid-IR ceramic laser materials,” S. Mirov*, invited talk presented to the 4th Laser Ceramic
Symposium, Shanghai, China, November 10-14, 2008.
“Chromium doped ZnSe and ZnS gain media for optically
and electrically pumped mid-IR lasers,” C. Kim*, J. M. Peppers, D. V. Martyshkin, V. V. Fedorov, S.B. Mirov,
contributed talk presented to Photonics West’09, San Jose, CA, January 24-29,
room-temperature Er-fiber-laser-pumped pure CW polycrystalline
Cr:ZnS laser,” I. S. Moskalev*, V. V. Fedorov, S. B.
Mirov, contributed talk presented to Photonics West’09, San Jose, CA, January
24-29, 2009.
“12-Watt CW
Polycrystalline Cr2+:ZnSe Laser Pumped by
Tm-fiber Laser,” I. S. Moskalev, V. V. Fedorov, S. B. Mirov P. A. Berry, K. L.
Schepler, contributed talk presented to Advanced Solid State Photonics 2009,
Denver, CO, February 1-4, 2009.
“RT Mid-IR random
lasing of Cr2+ doped ZnS, ZnSe, CdSe powders, polymer
liquid and polymer films”, C. Kim, D.V. Martyshkin*, V.V. Fedorov, S.B. Mirov,
contributed talk presented to Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics
- CLEO’09, Baltimore, MD, May 31-June 5, 2009.
Widely-Tunable, Continuous-Wave Polycrystalline Cr2+:ZnS Laser,” I.S. Moskalev*, V.V. Fedorov, and S.B. Mirov,
contributed talk presented to Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics
- CLEO’09, Baltimore, MD, May 31-June 5, 2009.
Electroluminescence of Cr:ZnSe crystals co-doped with
Donor and Acceptor impurities,” C. Kim, J. Peppers, V.V. Fedorov*, S.B. Mirov,
contributed talk presented to Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics
- CLEO’09, Baltimore, MD, May 31-June 5, 2009.
“Progress in Cr2+:II-VI
gain materials for high power and random mid-IR lasers,” S.B. Mirov*, V.V.
Fedorov, I.S. Moskalev, D. Martyshkin, C. Kim, invited talk presented to 3rd International Conference
on Middle Infrared Coherent Sources – MICS’2009, Trouville, France, June 8-12,
“Recent progress
in Cr2+ and Fe2+ doped ZnSe and
ZnS mid-IR ceramic and powder laser materials”, S.B.Mirov*, I.S. Moskalev, V.V. Fedorov, D. Martyshkin, N. Myong, M. Mirov, contributed talk presented to 5th
Laser Ceramic Symposium, Bilbao, Spain, December 9-11, 2009.
“New Frontiers of
middle-infrared lasers based on transition metal doped II-VI semiconductors”,
S. Mirov*, invited talk presented to
the Physics Colloquium at ONERA (French analog of NASA), Paris, France,
December 14, 2009.
“InP diode-pumped Cr:ZnS and Cr:ZnSe highly-efficient, widely-tunable, mid-IR lasers”,
I. S. Moskalev*, V. V. Fedorov, S. B.Mirov,
contributed talk presented to Photonics West’10, San Francisco, CA, January
23-28, 2010.
“Cr-ZnSe passively Q-switched fiber-bulk Ho:YAG
hybrid laser”, Y. Terekhov*, I.S. Moskalev, D.
Martyshkin, V.V. Fedorov, S.B. Mirov, contributed talk presented to Photonics
West’10, San Francisco, CA, January 23-28, 2010.
“Optically dense Fe:ZnSe crystals for energy scaled gain switched lasing”,
N. Myoung*, V.V. Fedorov, S.B. Mirov contributed talk presented to Photonics
West’10, San Francisco, CA, January 23-28, 2010.
“Ultrabroad continuous-wave tuning of ceramic Cr:ZnSe and Cr:ZnS lasers”, E.
Sorokin*, I.T. Sorokina, M.S. Mirov, V.V. Fedorov, I.S. Moskalev, S.B. Mirov,
contributed talk presented to Advanced Solid State Photonics 2010, San Diego,
CA, USA, January 31- February 3, 2010.
“Progress in Cr2+:II-VI
Ceramic Lasers”, S. Mirov*, I.
Moskalev , V. Fedorov , D. Martyshkin, N. Myoung , M. Mirov, invited talk presented to Europhoton’10, Hamburg, Germany, August
29- September 3, 2010.
“Mid-IR Laser
Oscillation In Cr:ZnSe Planar Waveguide Structures
and in Cr:ZnSe/As2S3:As2Se3
Composite Materials”, J. E. Williams, J. T. Goldstein, V.V. Fedorov, D. V.
Martyshkin, R. P. Camata, and S. B. Mirov* contributed talk presented to 2010
Frontiers in Optics (FiO)/Laser Science XXVI (LS)
Conference, October 24-28, 2010, Rochester Riverside Convention Center, Rochester, NY.
scaling of nanosecond gain-switched Cr2+:ZnSe
lasers", V. V. Fedorov*, I. S. Moskalev, M. S. Mirov, S. B. Mirov, T. J.
Wagner, M. J. Bohn, P. A. Berry, K. L. Schepler, contributed talk presented to
Photonics West’11, San Francisco, CA, January 22-27, 2011.
lasing of Cr:ZnSe/As2S3:As2Se3 composite
materials", D. V. Martyshkin*, V.V. Fedorov, J.T. Goldstein, S.B. Mirov,
contributed talk presented to Photonics West’11, San Francisco, CA, January
22-27, 2011.
"Cr:ZnSe planar waveguide mid-IR laser", J. E.
Williams, D. V. Martyshkin, V. V. Fedorov, I. S. Moskalev, R. P. Camata, and S.
B. Mirov*, contributed talk presented to Photonics West’11, San Francisco, CA,
January 22-27, 2011.
“Energy scaling
of room temperature Fe2+:ZnSe
gain-switched 4.3 µm laser”, N. Myoung*, D. V. Martyshkin, V. V. Fedorov, A.
Martinez and S. B. Mirov, contributed talk presented to Photonics West’11, San Francisco,
CA, January 22-27, 2011.
“Effects of g-irradiation on optical, electrical, and laser
characteristics of pure and transition metal doped II-VI semiconductors,”
T. Konak*, M. Tekavec, V. V.
Fedorov, and S. B. Mirov, contributed talk presented to
Photonics West’11, San Francisco, CA, January 22-27, 2011.
“A Minimally
Invasive Multifunctional Nanoscale System for Selective Targeting, Imaging, and
NIR Photothermal Therapy of Malignant Tumors”, H. N. Green*, D. V. Martyshkin, E. L.
Rosenthal, S. B. Mirov, contributed talk presented to Photonics West’11, San
Francisco, CA, January 22-27, 2011.
"Progress in
mid-IR Cr2+ and Fe2+ doped II-VI Materials and
Lasers", S.B. Mirov*, V.V. Fedorov, I.S. Moskalev, D.V. Martyshkin,
N. Myoung, R. Camata, J.E. Williams, M.S. Mirov, J.T. Goldstein, invited talk presented to Advanced
Solid State Photonics 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, February 2011.
“Mid-Infrared lasers based on transition metal doped
II-VI semiconductors”, S.
Mirov*, I. Moskalev, V. Fedorov, D. Martyshkin, M. Mirov, N. Myoung, invited talk
presented to OASIS III conference,
Tel Aviv, Israel, March 9-10, 2011.
in Mid-IR Cr2+ and Fe2+ doped II-VI materials and
lasers”, Sergey Mirov, invited talk
presented to joint Seminar of Applied Physics and Engineering Departments,
Tel-Aviv University, March 13, 2011.
199. “High-Energy Gain-Switched
Mid-IR Lasers Based on Cr and Fe Doped ZnSe”, NoSoung Myoung, Mikhail S.
Mirov, Vladimir V. Fedorov*, Sergey B. Mirov, contributed talk presented to CLEO’11:
Laser Science to Photonic Applications,
CMY4 (oral), 1-6 May 2011 Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
200. “New Mid-IR Gain Media Based on Transition
Metal Doped II-VI Ternary – Quaternary Compounds and Glassy Composites,” Dmitry Martyshkin*,
Jonathan Goldstein, Renato Camata, Vladimir V. Fedorov, Sergey B. Mirov, contributed talk presented
to, CLEO’11:
Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CTuE4 (oral), 1-6 May 2011
Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
201. “Active targeting, fluorescence imaging, and NIR photothermal therapy of malignant tumors,” H.N. Green*,
E.L. Rosenthal, C.M. Rodenburg, D.V. Martyshkin, S.B.
contributed talk presented to 3rd International Conference from
nanoparticles & Nanomaterials to Nanodevices and Nanosystems, June 26-29, Crete island, Greece.
202. “Crystal Field
Engineering Of Transition Metal Doped II-VI Ternary And Quaternary
Semiconductors For Mid-IR Tunable Laser Applications”, Dmitry V. Martyshkin*,
Jonathan T. Goldstein, Renato P. Camata, Vladimir V. Fedorov, Sergey B. Mirov,
contributed talk presented to Int.
Conf. on Luminescence & Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL’11),
M4, June 27-July 1, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
203. “Frontiers of mid-infrared lasers based on
transition metal doped II–VI semiconductors” S. Mirov*, V. Fedorov, I.
Moskalev, M. Mirov, D. Martyshkin, invited talk
presented to Int. Conf. on
Luminescence & Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL’11), FRR1,
June 27-July 1, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, USA.
204. “Mid-IR lasing of iron–cobalt co-doped ZnS(Se) crystals via Co–Fe energy transfer”, NoSoung
Myoung, Dmitri V. Martyshkin, Vladimir V. Fedorov*, Sergey B. Mirov, contributed
talk presented to Int. Conf. on
Luminescence & Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL’11), MH2, June
27-July 1, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
205. Mid-Infrared transition metal doped II-VI
semiconductor lasers”, Sergey Mirov*, contributed talk presented to 2011
Frontiers in Optics (FiO)/Laser Science XXVII (LS)
Conference, October 16-20, 2011, Fairmont Hotel, San Jose, CA, USA.
206. “Mid-Infrared lasers based on transition
metal doped II-VI ceramics”, S. Mirov*, I. Moskalev, V. Fedorov, D. Martyshkin,
M. Mirov, invited talk presented to
7th Laser Ceramic Symposium, November 14-17, 2011 Singapore.
207. “Biomedical applications of UAB lasers”,
S.B. Mirov, invited talk presented to 1st Annual BioAlabama
Technology Conference, May 30, 2012, Southern Research Institute, Birmingham,
208. “Characterization of photorefractive
materials based on LiF color center crystals for
mid-IR volumetric Bragg gratings”, Dmitri V. Martyshkin, Anton V. Fedorov, Anitha Arumugam, David J. Hilton,
Vladimir V. Fedorov, and Sergey B. Mirov, contributed talk presented to the
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)/The International Quantum
Electronics Conference (IQEC), JTh2A.60, San Jose, CA, 10 June (2012).
209. “Photorefractive material for mid-IR
applications based on LiF color center crystals”, Anitha Arumugam, Anton V.
Fedorov, Dmitry V. Martyshkin, Vladimir V. Fedorov, David J. Hilton, Sergey B. Mirov*,
contributed talk presented to the Lasers, Sources, and Related Photonic
Devices, Advances in Optical Materials – part of Lasers, Sources, and Related
Photonic Devices Congress, San Jose,
California, USA 29 January-3 February 2012.
210. “Iron Doped II-VI ternary and quaternary
semiconductors for mid-IR laser applications”, D.V. Martyshkin, V.V. Fedorov,
S.B. Mirov*, contributed talk presented to the Lasers, Sources, and Related
Photonic Devices, Advances in Optical Materials – part of Lasers, Sources, and
Related Photonic Devices Congress, San
Jose, California, USA 29 January-3 February 2012.
211. “Single-Frequency Passively Q-Switched Er:YAG Laser”, Yu. Terekhov*, D.
V. Martyshkin, V. V. Fedorov, I. Moskalev, S. B. Mirov contributed talk
presented to the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)/The
International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC), CTu2D.6, San Jose, CA, 8
June (2012).
212. “High Energy 4.1-4.6 μm
Fe:ZnSe laser”, V. V. Fedorov*, D. V. Martyshkin, M.
Mirov, I. Moskalev, S. Vasyliev, Sergey B. Mirov,
contributed talk presented to the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics
(CLEO)/The International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC),CM3D.3, San
Jose, CA, 7 June (2012).
213. “Photoluminescence in a Fe2+
Doped ZnSe Crystal Using Near Absorption Edge Quantum
Cascade Laser Pumping”, Yu Song*, Sergey B. Mirov, Claire Gmachl,
Jacob B. Khurgin contributed talk presented to the
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)/The International Quantum
Electronics Conference (IQEC),3CTu2D.3 CM3D.3, San Jose, CA, 8 June (2012).
214. “Progress in Cr2+ and Fe2+
doped II‐VI mid‐IR
materials and lasers”, S.B. Mirov*, V.V. Fedorov, D.V. Martyshkin, I.S.
Moskalev, S. Vasilyev, M.S. Mirov, V.P. Gapontsev, contributed
talk presented to the 6 th International Symposium on
High Power Fiber lasers and their Applications, St. Petersburg, Russia, June
25-28, 2012.
215. "Compact 1J mid-IR Cr:ZnSe Laser", V. Fedorov*, M. S. Mirov, S. Mirov, V.
Gapontsev, A. V. Erofeev, M. Z. Smirnov, and G. B.
Altshuler, contributed talk presented to the Frontiers in Optics Conference,
OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America), post-deadline paper
FW6B.9. (2012).
216. “Nanostructured Cr2+:ZnSe-based Thin Films for Mid-IR Laser Sources,” P. J.
Marino, T. Konak, Z. R. Lindsey, V.V. Fedorov, S.B. Mirov, R. P Camata*, contributed
talk presented to the 2012 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society,
November 25-30, 2012, Boston, Massachusetts.
217. “Mid-Infrared lasers based on transition
metal doped II-VI semiconductors”, S. Mirov*, I. Moskalev, V. Fedorov, D.
Martyshki1, M. Mirov, S. Vasilyev, invited
talk presented to the USA-UK workshop in Mid-Infrared to Terahertz
Technology and Applications, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, February 18-19, 2013.
218. “Recent Progress and Applications of
Mid-Infrared Lasers Based on Transition Metal doped II-VI Semiconductors”, S.B.
Mirov*, contributed talk presented to CAS Interdisciplinary Innovation Forum,
UAB, Birmingham, AL, May 14, 2013.
219. “Mid-Infrared lasers based on transition
metal doped II-VI semiconductors”, S.B. Mirov invited talk presented to BioAlabama
Annual Meeting and Science Symposium, Doubltree
Hotel, Birmingham, AL, May 16, 2013.
220. “Fe-doped II-VI Mid-Infrared Laser
Materials for the 3 to 8 um Region”, V. V. Fedorov*, D. V. Martyshkin, M. S.
Mirov, I. S. Moskalev, S. Vasyliev, J. Peppers, S. B.
Mirov, V. P. Gapontsev, invited talk presented to the
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)/The International Quantum
Electronics Conference (IQEC), San Jose, CA, June 11-13, 2013.
221. “Recent Advances in High Power, High
Energy Tunable Cr:ZnS/Se Lasers”, S. B. Mirov*, V. V.
Fedorov, I. S. Moskalev, S. Vasyliev, D. V.
Martyshkin, M. S. Mirov, V. P. Gapontsev, contributed
talk presented to the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)/The
International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC) , San Jose, CA, June 11-13,
222. “Frontiers in
Mid-Infrared Lasers Based on Transition Metal doped II-VI Semiconductors”, S.
Mirov*, I. Moskalev, V. Fedorov, D. Martyshkin, M. Mirov, S. Vasilyev, contributed
talk presented to the International Conference on Lasers, Optics &
Photonics, San Antonio, TX, USA, October 7-9, 2013.
223. “Recent Progress
in Tunable Cr:ZnS/Se Lasers”, S. B. Mirov*, V. V. Fedorov, I. S. Moskalev,
S. Vasilyev, D. V. Martyshkin, M. S. Mirov, V. P. Gapontsev,
contributed talk presented to the Advanced Solid State Laser Congress, ASSL’13,
Paris, France, October 30-November 2, 2013.
224. “Fe-doped Binary
and Ternary II-VI Mid-Infrared Laser Materials”, V. V. Fedorov,
D. V. Martyshkin, M. S. Mirov, I. S. Moskalev, S. Vasilyev, J. Peppers, V. P. Gapontsev, S. B. Mirov*, contributed talk presented to
the Advanced Solid State Laser Congress, ASSL’13, Paris, France, October
30-November 2, 2013.
225. “Spectroscopy and mid-IR lasing of Cr2+
ions in ZnSe/ZnS crystals
under visible excitation”, J. M. Peppers*, T. Konak, D. V. Martyshkin, V. V.
Fedorov, S. B. Mirov, contributed talk presented to Photonics West’14, San
Francisco, CA, February 2-7, 2014.
226. “Spectroscopic characterization of
Fe2+-doped II-VI ternary and quaternary mid-IR laser active powders”, A. D.
Martinez*, D. V. Martyshkin, V. V. Fedorov, S. B. Mirov, contributed talk
presented to Photonics West’14, San Francisco, CA, February 2-7, 2014.
227. “Spectroscopic characterization and energy
transfer process in cobalt and cobalt-iron co-doped ZnSe/ZnS crystals”, J. M. Peppers*, D. V. Martyshkin, V. V.
Fedorov, S. B. Mirov, contributed talk presented to Photonics West’14, San
Francisco, CA, February 2-7, 2014.
228. “Recent progress
in 1.9 – 6 μm mid-IR lasers based on Cr and Fe
doped II-VI chalcogenides”, S.B. Mirov*, V.V. Fedorov, D.V. Martyshkin, I.S.
Moskalev, S. Vasilyev, M.S. Mirov, V.P. Gapontsev,
contributed talk presented to the 7 th International
Symposium on High Power Fiber lasers and their Applications, St. Petersburg,
Russia, June 30-July 4, 2014.
229. “Mid-infrared lasers based on transition
metal doped II-VI semiconductors”, S.B. Mirov*, V.V. Fedorov, D.V. Martyshkin, I.S. Moskalev, S.
Vasilyev, M.S. Mirov, V.P. Gapontsev, contributed
talk presented to the International
Conference on Lasers, Optics & Photonics, Philadelphia, PA, USA, September
8-10, 2014.
230. “Progress in Cr and Fe Doped
ZnSe and ZnS
Polycrystalline Materials and Lasers”, S.B. Mirov*, V. Fedorov, D. Martyshkin,
I. Moskalev, M. Mirov, V. Gapontsev, contributed talk
presented to the Advanced Solid-State Lasers Conference, Shanghai, China,
November 17-21, 2014.
231. “Mid-IR Lasing and
Excitation of Cr2+ ions in II-VI Semiconductors via ionization
transitions”, J. Peppers*, V. Fedorov, S. B. Mirov, contributed talk presented
to the Advanced Solid-State Lasers Conference, Shanghai, China, November 17-21,
232. “Gamma Radiation-Enhanced
Thermal Diffusion of Transition Metal Ions into II-VI Semiconductor Crystals”,
A. Martinez*, L. Williams, V. Fedorov, S. B. Mirov, contributed talk presented
to the Advanced Solid-State Lasers Conference, Shanghai, China, November 17-21,
233. “Spectroscopic
characterization of Cr2+ ions in ZnSe/ZnS crystals under visible excitation”, J. M. Peppers*, V.
V. Fedorov, S. B. Mirov, contributed talk presented to Photonics West’15, San Francisco, CA, February
7-12, 2015.
234. “Radiation-Enhanced Thermal
Diffusion of Transition Metal and Rare Earth Ions into II-VI Semiconductors”,
A. Martinez*, L. Williams, O. Gafarov, D. Martyshkin, V. Fedorov, S Mirov, contributed talk presented to Photonics West’15, San
Francisco, CA, February 7-12, 2015.
235. “Mid-IR lasers based on transition and rare-earth ion
doped crystal (Invited Paper)”, S. B. Mirov*, V. V. Fedorov, D. V. Martyshkin,
I. S. Moskalev, M. B. Mirov, S. Vasilyev,
contributed talk presented to SPIE DSS, Micro- and Nanotechnology
Sensors, Systems, and Applications, Baltimore, MD, 20-24 April 2015.
236. “High Average Power (35 W)
Pulsed Fe:ZnSe laser tunable over 3.8-4.2 µm”, D. V.
Martyshkin, V. V. Fedorov, M. Mirov, I. Moskalev, S. Vasilyev, and S. B. Mirov*,
contributed talk presented to the
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)/The International Quantum
Electronics Conference (IQEC), San Jose, CA, May 10-15, 2015.
237. "Spectroscopic
characterization of Pr3+:ZnSe crystals
fabricated via post growth thermal diffusion," A. Martinez*, O. Gafarov,
D. Martyshkin, V. V. Fedorov, and S. B. Mirov contributed talk presented to the Conference on Lasers and
Electro-Optics (CLEO)/The International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC),
San Jose, CA, May 10-15, 2015.
238. "Mid-IR and Near-IR
Photoluminescence of Fe2+ and Cr2+ Ions in ZnSe
Excited via Ionization Transitions," J. Peppers*, V. V. Fedorov, and S. B.
Mirov, contributed talk presented to the
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)/The International Quantum
Electronics Conference (IQEC), San Jose, CA, May 10-15, 2015.
239. "High Average Power Fe:ZnSe and Cr:ZnSe Mid-IR Solid
State Lasers," S. B. Mirov*, V. Fedorov, D. Martyshkin, I. Moskalev, M.
Mirov, and S. Vasilyev, contributed talk
presented to the Advanced Solid-State Lasers Conference, Berlin, Germany, October
4-9, 2015.
240. “Cr and Fe doped II-VI
mid-IR gain media. Fabrication challenges and practical applications in
fiber-bulk mid-IR laser systems (invited)”, S.B. Mirov*, V.V. Fedorov, D.V.
Martyshkin, I.S. Moskalev, M.S. Mirov, A. Martinez, S. Vasilyev, invited talk
presented to the 20th American Crystal Growth and Epitaxy conference
(ACCGE-20), August 2015, Bug Sky, Montana, USA.
241. “Thermally-induced optical bistability
and temperature broadening of spectroscopic bands in Cr:ZnSe
and Fe:ZnSe mid-IR laser materials,” Chandler Bernard*,
Rick Watkins, Ozarfar Gafarov, Vladimir Fedorov, Sergey Mirov, contributed talk presented to the 82nd Annual Meeting of
the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society (SESAPS),
Mobile, AL, November 18-21, 2015.
242. "Pulsed laser deposition of ZnSxSe1-x
and its integration into multilayered Cr2+:ZnSe
structures for mid-IR electroluminescence," Z.R. Lindsey*, M.W. Rhoades,
V.V. Fedorov, S.B. Mirov, R.P. Camata contributed
talk presented to the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of
the American Physical Society (SESAPS), November 18 - 21, 2015, Mobile,
243. "Carrier Concentration Control for n-Type
Conductivity in Mid-Infrared Active Cr2+:ZnSe Thin
Film Structures," Matthew Rhoades*, Zachary Lindsey, Vladimir Fedorov,
Sergey Mirov, Renato Camata, contributed
talk presented to the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of
the American Physical Society (SESAPS), November 18 - 21, 2015, Mobile,
244. “Mid-IR Gain Media Based on Transition Metal Doped II-VI Chalcogenides”,
S.B. Mirov*, V.V. Fedorov, D.V. Martyshkin, I.S. Moskalev, M.S. Mirov, O.
Gafarov, A. Martinez, J. Peppers, V. Smolski, S. Vasilyev, and V. Gapontsev, invited talk presented at Photonics West
2016, Optical Components and Materials
XIII conference, February 15, 2016, San
Francisco, CA, USA.
245. “Mid‐IR lasers
based on Cr‐ and Fe‐doped ZnSe and ZnS polycrystals,”
S.B. Mirov*, V.V. Fedorov, D.V.
Martyshkin, I.S. Moskalev, M.S. Mirov, S. Vasilyev, V.P. Gapontsev,”
invited talk presented at
Photonics West 2016 Novel In‐Plane Semiconductor
Lasers XV conference, February 16, 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA.
246. “Mid-IR Kerr-lens mode-locked polycrystalline Cr:ZnS
and Cr:ZnSe lasers with intracavity
frequency conversion via random quasi-phase-matching,” Sergey Vasilyev*, Igor
Moskalev, Mike Mirov, Sergey Mirov, Valentin Gapontsev,
invited talk presented at Photonics West 2016, Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion:
Materials, Devices, and Applications XV conference, February 16, 2016,
San Francisco, CA, USA.
247. “7 W Few-Cycle Mid-Infrared
Laser Source at 79 MHz Repetition Rate,” Sergey Vasilyev, Igor Moskalev, Mike
Mirov, Sergey Mirov*, and Valentin Gapontsev,
contributed talk presented at OSA High-Brightness Sources and Light-Driven
Interactions Congress (EUV, HILAS, MICS): 2016, March 20-22, Long Beach, CA,
248. “Mid-IR Kerr-lens
mode-locked polycrystalline Cr2+:ZnS lasers,”
Sergey Vasilyev, Igor Moskalev, Mike Mirov, Sergey Mirov*, Valentin Gapontsev,” invited talk
presented at Defense and Commercial Sensing, Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics
Conference, April 17-21, 2016, Baltimore, MA, USA.
249. “Enhancement of Diffusion Length
and Optical Quality of Cr2+:ZnSe via
Annealing in Vapors of Zn,” Ozarfar Gafarov*, Alán
Martinez, Vladimir Fedorov and Sergey Mirov, contributed talk presented at
CLEO’16, June 5-10, 2016, San Jose, Ca, USA.
250. “Transitioning Cr2+
and Fe2+ Doped Zn Chalcogenide Laser Technology to Commercial
Products – Lessons Learned,” S.B. Mirov*, I.S. Moskalev, M.S. Mirov, S.
Vasilyev, V.V. Fedorov, D.V. Martyshkin, V. Smolski, and V. Gapontsev,
invited talk presented at CLEO’16,
June 5-10, 2016, San Jose, Ca, USA.
251. “Subharmonic
GaAs OPO pumped by a Cr:ZnS laser with an
instantaneous bandwidth 3.6–5.6 μm,” V.O.
Smolski*, S. Vasilyev, P.G. Schunemann, S.B. Mirov, K.L. Vodopyanov, invited talk presented at Laser Optics
(LO), 2016 International Conference, 27 June-1 July, St. Petersburg, Russia
252. “New Ultrafast Laser Sources and Nonlinear Devices
Based on TM:II-VI Semiconductors,” Sergey Vasilyev*, Igor Moskalev, Mike Mirov,
Viktor Smolski, Sergey Mirov, Valentin Gapontsev, contributed
talk presented at 42nd European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOS 2016,
18-22 September 2016, Dusseldorf, Germany.
253. "Pulsed Laser Deposition of Relaxed ZnSx Se1-x Thin Films for Waveguiding Applications in Mid-IR Active Cr2+:ZnSe Multilayered Structures," Z. R. Lindsey, M.
Rhoades, V. V. Fedorov, S. B. Mirov*, and R. P. Camata, contributed talk
presented at Advanced Solid State Laser Conference (ASSL”16) part of Lasers
Congress 2016 (ASSL, LSC, LAC), 30 October – 3 November 2016, The Westin
Boston Waterfront, Boston, MA, USA.
254. "Kerr-Lens Mode-Locked Middle IR Polycrystalline Cr:ZnS Laser with a Repetition Rate 1.2 GHz," S.
Vasilyev, I. Moskalev, M. Mirov, V. Smolski*, S. Mirov, and V. Gapontsev, contributed
talk presented at Advanced Solid State Laser Conference (ASSL”16) part of Lasers
Congress 2016 (ASSL, LSC, LAC), 30 October – 3 November 2016, The Westin
Boston Waterfront, Boston, MA, USA.
"Acousto-Optically Tuned CW Cr:ZnS
Mid-IR Laser," D. V. Martyshkin, T. M. Kesterson*, V. Fedorov, and S. B.
Mirov, contributed talk presented at Advanced Solid State
Laser Conference (ASSL”16) part of Lasers Congress 2016 (ASSL, LSC, LAC), 30
October – 3 November 2016, The Westin Boston Waterfront, Boston, MA, USA.
“Enhancement of Cr and Fe Diffusion in ZnSe/S Laser Crystals via Annealing in Vapors of Zn and Hot
Isostatic Pressing,” Ozarfar Gafarov*, Vladimir Fedorov and Sergey Mirov,
contributed talk presented at Advanced Solid State Laser Conference (ASSL”16)
part of Lasers Congress 2016 (ASSL, LSC, LAC), 30 October – 3 November 2016,
The Westin Boston Waterfront, Boston, MA, USA.
257. “Frontiers of Mid-IR lasers
based on transition metal doped II-VI chalcogenide ceramics,” S.B. Mirov*, I.S.
Moskalev, S. Vasilyev, M.S. Mirov, V.V. Fedorov, D.V. Martyshkin, V. Smolski,
V. Gapontsev, keynote
talk presented at 12th Laser Ceramics Symposium, Saint Louis,
France, 28 Nov-2nd Dec. 2016.
258. “Significance and control
of microstructure in ceramic Cr;ZnSe and Cr:ZnS gain media for ultrafast Mid-IR lasers and nonlinear
optical devices,” Mike Mirov*, Sergey Vasilyev, Igor Moskalev, Sergey Mirov,
Viktor Smolski, Andrey Zakrevskiy, Georgiy Tsoy,
contributed talk presented at 12th
Laser Ceramics Symposium, Saint Louis, France, 28 Nov-2nd Dec. 2016.
259. “Single Crystal Growth and
Effective Doping of Fe: ZnS under Hot Isostatic
Pressing,” O Gafarov, V Fedorov, SB Mirov*, contributed talk presented at Laser
Congress 2017 (ASSL, LAC), OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of
America, 2017), paper AM3A.6.
260. “Sub-Watt Femtosecond Laser
Source with the Spectrum Spanning 3-8 μm,”
Viktor Smolski, Sergey Vasilyev*, Igor Moskalev, Mike Mirov, Andrey Muraviev,
Sergey Mirov, Konstantin Vodopyanov, Valentin Gapontsev,
contributed talk presented at Laser Congress 2017 (ASSL, LAC), OSA Technical
Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2017), paper AM4A.6.
261. “Instantaneous spectral span
of 2.85–8.40 μm achieved in a Cr:ZnS laser pumped subharmonic GaAs OPO,” Qitian Ru, Kai Zhong, Nathaniel P Lee, Zachary E Loparo,
Peter G Schunemann, Sergey Vasilyev, Sergey B Mirov, Konstantin L Vodopyanov*,
contributed talk presented at Conference on lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO),
14-19 May 2017, San Jose, CA.
262. “High power (9.2 W) CW 4.15 μm Fe:ZnSe laser,” Dmitry V
Martyshkin, Vladimir V Fedorov*, Mike Mirov, Igor Moskalev, Sergey Vasilyev,
Viktor Smolski, Andrey Zakrevskiy, Sergey B Mirov, contributed talk presented
at Conference on lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 14-19 May 2017, San Jose,
263. “Thermally-induced optical bistability in Cr and Fe doped ZnSe
mid-IR laser materials,” Rick Watkins, Ozarfar Gafarov*, Chandler Bernard,
Vladimir Fedorov, Sergey Mirov, contributed talk presented at Conference on
lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 14-19 May 2017, San Jose, CA.
264. “Grain growth and significant Fe diffusion in
polycrystalline ZnS at elevated temperatures and
pressures,” O. Gafarov*, D. Martyshkin, V. Fedorov, and S. Mirov, contributed
talk presented at Photonics West 2018 February
2018, San Francisco, CA, USA.
265. “Optical parametric
oscillation in a random poly-crystalline medium: ZnSe
ceramic,” Qitian Ru*, Taiki Kawamori, Nathaniel Lee, Xuan Chen, Kai Zhong, Mike Mirov, Sergey Vasilyev, Sergey B Mirov,
Konstantin L Vodopyanov, contributed talk
presented at Photonics West 2018, Nonlinear Frequency Generation and
Conversion: Materials and Devices XVII, February 2018, San Francisco, CA, USA.
266. “Laser spectroscopy of
highly doped NV- centers in diamond,” Shova D Subedi*, Vladimir V Federov, Jeremy Peppers, Dmitry V Martyshkin, Sergey B
Mirov, Linbo Shao, Marko Loncar, contributed talk presented at Photonics West 2018,
Solid State Lasers XXVII: Technology and Devices, February 2018, San Francisco,
267. “Power and
Energy Scaling of Femtosecond Middle IR Pulses in Single-Pass Cr:ZnS and Cr:ZnSe Amplifiers,” Sergey
Vasilyev*, Jeremy Peppers, Viktor Smolski, Igor Moskalev, Mike Mirov, Sergey
Mirov, Valentin Gapontsev, contributed talk presented
at High-brightness Sources and Light-driven
Interactions Congress, Middle-Infrared Coherent Sources, March 26-28,
Strasbourg, France.
268. “Half-watt
average power compact femtosecond source with a bandwidth of 3–8 μm based on subharmonic GaAs OPO,” Viktor Smolski*,
Sergey Vasilyev, Igor Moskalev, Mike Mirov, Qitian Ru, Andrey Muraviev, Peter
Schunemann, Sergey Mirov, Valentin Gapontsev,
Konstantin Vodopyanov, contributed talk presented at Conference on Lasers and
Electro-Optics (CLEO), 13-18 May 2018, San Jose, CA.
269. “Optical parametric
oscillation in random polycrystalline c(2) medium,” Qitian Ru*,
Nathaniel Lee, Xuan Chen, Kai Zhong, Sergey Vasilyev,
Mike Mirov, Sergey B Mirov, Konstantin L Vodopyanov, contributed talk presented at Conference on Lasers and
Electro-Optics (CLEO), 13-18 May 2018, San Jose, CA.
270. “Recent
progress in mid-IR materials and lasers based on Cr and Fe doped
chalcogenides,” Sergey B Mirov*, Igor Moskalev, Sergey Vasilyev, Viktor
Smolski, Mike Mirov, Vladimir Fedorov, Dmitri Martyshkin, Andrey Zakrevsky, Ozarfar Gafarov, Jeremy Peppers, Valentin Gapontsev, invited talk presented at Laser
Technology for Defense and Security XIV conference, Orlando, FL, May 2018.
271. “Mid-IR
broadly tunable cw and ultrafast lasers sources based
on Cr and Fe doped chalcogenides, subharmonic OPOs and potential quantum cascade:
Fe:II-VI hybrid platforms,” Sergey B Mirov*, Igor
Moskalev, Sergey Vasilyev, Viktor Smolski, Mike Mirov, Vladimir Fedorov, Dmitri
Martyshkin, Valentin Gapontsev, invited talk presented
at Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications X conference,
Orlando, FL, May 2018.
272. “Massively parallel sensing of trace molecules and their isotopologues with broadband mid-IR frequency combs
produced via optical subharmonic generation,” Konstantin L Vodopyanov*,
Andrey V Muraviev, Zachary Loparo, Sergey Vasilyev,
Sergey B Mirov, keynote talk presented at Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications X
conference, Orlando, FL, May 2018.
273. “Optical parametric
oscillation in random polycrystalline c(2) medium,” Qitian Ru*,
Nathaniel Lee, Xuan Chen, Kai Zhong, Sergey Vasilyev,
Mike Mirov, Sergey B Mirov, Konstantin L Vodopyanov, contributed talk presented
at 2018 IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics In Defense Conference (RAPID),
Sandestin, FL 22-24 Aug. 2018.
274. “Middle Infrared Electroluminescence of Cr2+ ions in n-type Al:Cr:ZnSe crystal,” Ozarfar Gafarov*, Rick Watkins,
Vladimir Fedorov, Sergey Mirov, contributed talk presented at Laser Congress 2018, Advanced Solid State
laser Conference (ASSL’19), November 4-8, Boston, MA, USA.
275. “27
Watt middle-IR femtosecond laser system at 2.4 μm,”
Sergey Vasilyev*, Igor Moskalev, Viktor Smolski, Jeremy Peppers, Mike Mirov,
Sergey Mirov, Valentin Gapontsev, contributed talk
presented at Laser Congress 2018, Advanced Solid State laser Conference
(ASSL’19), November 4-8, Boston, MA, USA.
276. “Visible-Near-Middle
Infrared Spanning Supercontinuum Generation in a
Silicon Nitride Waveguide,” Dmitry Martyshkin, Vladimir Fedorov, Taylor
Kesterson, Sergey Vasilyev, Hairun Guo, Junqiu Liu, Wenle Weng, Clemens Herkommer, Konstantin Vodopyanov, Tobias Kippenberg, Sergey
Mirov*, contributed talk presented at Laser Congress 2018, Advanced Solid State
laser Conference (ASSL’19), November 4-8, Boston, MA, USA.
277. “Gain Switched and
Q-switched Fe:ZnSe Lasers tunable over 3.60-5.15 µm,”
Vladimir Fedorov*, Dmitry Martyshkin, Krishna Karki, and Sergey Mirov,
contributed talk presented at Laser Congress 2018, Advanced Solid State laser
Conference (ASSL’19), November 4-8, Boston, MA, USA.
278. “Energy
Transfer in Fe:Cr:ZnSe mid-IR laser materials,”
Tristan Carlson, Ozarfar Gafarov, Vladimir Fedorov*, Sergey Mirov, contributed
talk presented at Laser Congress 2018, Advanced Solid State laser Conference
(ASSL’19), November 4-8, Boston, MA, USA.
279. “Thermal
diffusion of Erbium in ZnS under hot isostatic
pressing,” Ozarfar Gafarov*, Vladimir Fedorov, Dmitry Martyshkin, Sergey Mirov,
contributed talk presented at Laser Congress 2018, Advanced Solid State laser
Conference (ASSL’19), November 4-8, Boston, MA, USA.
280. “Saturation
spectroscopy of NV− centers in diamond,” Shova D Subedi*,
Vladimir V Fedorov, Sergey B Mirov, Linbo Shao, Marko Loncar, contributed talk
presented at Laser Congress 2018, Advanced Solid State laser Conference (ASSL’19),
November 4-8, Boston, MA, USA.
281. ”Mid-infrared
transition metal doped chalcogenide laser materials and lasers,” S.B. Mirov*,
I.S. Moskalev, M.S. Mirov, S. Vasilyev, V.V. Fedorov, D.V. Martyshkin, O.
Gafarov, V. Smolski, invited talk presented at 14th Ceramics Congress,
June 4-8, 2018, Perugia, Italy.
282. “Mid-infrared transition metal doped chalcogenide
ceramic gain materials and lasers,” S.B. Mirov*, I.S. Moskalev, M.S. Mirov, S. Vasilyev,
V.V. Fedorov, D.V. Martyshkin,
O. Gafarov, V. Smolski, invited talk presented at 14th
laser Ceramic Symposium, November 26-30, 2018, Okazaki City, Japan.
283. Sergey Mirov, et al.,
“Ultrafast, multi-octave, Vis-LWIR Sources Based on Polycrystalline Cr:ZnS/Se,” invited
talk presented at 6th Ultrafast Dynamics and Metastability
and Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics Symposium Conference, April 17-19, 2019,
Georgetown University, DC.
284. S.B. Mirov, I.S. Moskalev,
M.S. Mirov, S. Vasilyev, V.V. Fedorov, D.V. Martyshkin, O. Gafarov, V. Smolski,
“Power and energy scaling of mid-IR lasers based on Cr and Fe doped
chalcogenides,” Invited talk
presented at IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense Conference
(RAPID), 19-21 Aug 2019, Miramar Beach FL, USA.
285. S.B. Mirov, I.S. Moskalev,
M.S. Mirov, S. Vasilyev, V.V. Fedorov, D.V. Martyshkin, O. Gafarov, V. Smolski,
“Fiber-bulk hybrid mid-infrared lasers based on transition metal doped ceramic
chalcogenides,” Invited talk
presented at 7th OASIS International Conference on Optics and Electrooptics, April 1-2, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
286. S. Mirov, D.
Martyshkin, V. Fedorov, K. Karki, I.
Moskalev, S. Vasilyev, M. Mirov, J. Peppers, V. Smolski, D. Tovey, J. J.
Pigeon, S. Ya. Tochitsky,
I. Ben-Zvi, and C. Joshi, I. Pogorelsky, M. Polyanskiy, Frontiers of mid-IR
lasers based on transition metal doped chalcogenides and Optically Pumped CO2
Lasers and Amplifiers,” Invited talk
at ATF Science Planning Workshop, October 15 - 17, 2019, Brookhaven National
Lab, Upton, NY.
287. S. Mirov, “Recent progress
in mid-IR lasers,” invited talk UAB
Physics Colloquium, Birmingham, AL, September 6, 2019.