Educational Background.
Wayne State University; Detroit, Michigan, Ph.D., 1978.
University of Amsterdam; Amsterdam, the Netherlands, doctorandus, 1974.
University of Amsterdam; Amsterdam, the Netherlands, kandidaat, 1971.
Professional Experience.
Professor, 1986-present, UAB.
Chair, 1987-1997, Department of Mathematics, UAB.
Co-director Mathematics Fast-Track Program, 1996-present.
Visiting Professor, Technical University of Delft, Winter 1995.
Visiting Professor, Technical University of Delft, Summer 1991.
Associate Professor, 1982-86, UAB.
Assistant Professor, 1980-82, UAB.
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Saskatchewan, 1979-80.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Tulane University, 1978-79.
Lecturer, University of Houston, 1977-78.
Professional Service. |
NS&M School FAC Committee, 1998-present. |
Departmental Workload Committee, 1998-present. |
NS&M Award for Excellence in Teaching Committee, 1998. |
UAB General Scholarship Committee, 1998. |
Committee on UAB Faculty Scholar Prize, 1991--1995. |
Proposal Review: NSF, 1981-present. |
Member advisory committee of the Spring Topology Conference, 1990--present. |
Member NSF panel, Washington, D.C., March 1990. |
Organizer of the 1987 Spring Topology Conference (with L. Mohler and J. Mayer). |
Referee for the Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. |
Referee for the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. |
Referee for Fundamentae Mathematicae. |
Referee for the Pacific Journal of Mathematics. |
Referee for the Houston Journal of Mathematics. |
Referee for the Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics. |
Referee for Topology and its Applications. |
Organizer of a special session on continuum theory, A.M.S. meeting at LSU, November, 1982. |
Grants Received. |
NSF, DMS-0072626, On planar mappings with invariant continua, 2000-2003,
US Department of Education, Doctoral Fellowships in Applied Mathematics, 2000-2003, (co-PI Rudi Weikard). NSF, DMS-9901207, An Accelerated Research and Study Program for Undergraduates in Mathematics, 1996-99 (Co-PI: John Mayer). NSF, DMS-9704903, The Topological Structure of Planar Continua, 1997-00, PI. |
NSF, DMS-9531387, An Accelerated Research and Study Program for Undergraduates in Mathematics, 1996-99 (Co-PI: John Mayer). |
US Department of Education, Doctoral Fellowships in Applied Mathematics, 1994--1997 (co-PI: John Mayer). |
NSF-EPSCoR travel award, 1991-94, 96. |
NSF-EPSCoR, RII-861-0669, 1986-90, Individual component, Roger T. Lewis PI. |
NSF, DMS-860-2400, 1986-88. |
NSF, DMS-861-3092, 1987, Spring Topology Conference. |
NSF, DMS-850-3331, 1985-87. |
NSF, MCS-830-2046, 1983-85. |
NSF, MCS-810-4866, 1981-83. |
Invited Addresses (Last 6 years). |
2000 Midwest Dynamical Systems Meeting, Gainesville, FL, March 2000. |
A.M.S. Special Session on the Topology of Continua, On Prime Ends and Fixed Points, Austin, TX, October 1999. |
A.M.S. Special Session on Continuum Theory and Dynamical Systems, The Contraction Principle for Certain Locally Connected Julia Sets, Gainesville, FL, March 1999. |
A.M.S. Special Session on Topology in Dynamics, External Impressions in non-locally-connected Julia Sets, Winston-Salem, NC, October, 1998. |
A.M.S. Special Session on Low Dimensional Dynamics, Recurrent Critical Points and Typical Limit sets of Rational Maps, Milwaukee, WI, October, 1997. |
1997 Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference, Typical omega limit sets for rational mappings of the sphere, Lafayette, La. April 1997. |
A.M.S Special Session in Continuum Theory and Dynamical Systems, Properties of subcontinua of Julia sets , Chattanooga, TN, October 1996. |
Eighth Prague Topological Symposium, Periodic points near indifferent fixed points , Prague, Czech republic, August 1996. |
Borsuk and Kuratowski Session at the Stefan Banach Mathematical Center, Characterizing homogeneous 1-dimensional spaces , Warsaw, Poland, May 1996. |
Summer Conference on General Topology and Applications, On invariant subsets for planar mappings , Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 1994. |
A.M.S. Special Session in Modern Methods in Continuum Theory, Cincinnati, OH, On homogeneous totally disconnected spaces , January, 1994. |
A.M.S. Special Session in Continuum Theory and Dynamical Systems, Knoxville, TN, Group actions on R-trees , March 1993. |
A.M.S. Special Session in Continuum Theory and Dynamical Systems, San Antonio, TX, The geometry of laminations, January, 1993. |
Twenty--third University of Southwestern Louisiana Mathematics Conference, The geometry of laminas , October 1992. |
1991 Spring Topology Conference, The geometry of Julia sets , Sacramento, CA, April, 1991. |
Theses or Research Projects Directed.
Sean MacDonald, PhD 1998.
Mark Widener, PhD 1997.
John McCuan, B.S., 1989.
Brant Davidson, M.S., 1989.
Linda Hedrick, M.S., 1986.
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