Lex G. Oversteegen
Department of Mathematics
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, Alabama 35294
E-mail: overstee@math.uab.edu
Fax: (205) 934-9025
Telephone: (205) 934-2154

Educational Background.
Wayne State University; Detroit, Michigan, Ph.D., 1978.
University of Amsterdam; Amsterdam, the Netherlands, doctorandus, 1974.
University of Amsterdam; Amsterdam, the Netherlands, kandidaat, 1971.

Professional Experience.
Professor, 1986-present, UAB.
Chair, 1987-1997, Department of Mathematics, UAB.
Co-director Mathematics Fast-Track Program, 1996-present.
Visiting Professor, Technical University of Delft, Winter 1995.
Visiting Professor, Technical University of Delft, Summer 1991.
Associate Professor, 1982-86, UAB.
Assistant Professor, 1980-82, UAB.
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Saskatchewan, 1979-80.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Tulane University, 1978-79.
Lecturer, University of Houston, 1977-78.
Professional Service. 
NS&M School FAC Committee, 1998-present.
Departmental Workload Committee,  1998-present.
NS&M Award for Excellence in Teaching Committee, 1998.
UAB General Scholarship Committee, 1998.
Committee on UAB Faculty Scholar Prize, 1991--1995.
Proposal Review: NSF, 1981-present. 
Member advisory committee of the Spring Topology Conference, 1990--present.
Member NSF panel, Washington, D.C., March 1990. 
Organizer of the 1987 Spring Topology Conference (with L. Mohler and J. Mayer). 
Referee for the Transactions of the American Mathematical Society.
Referee for the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 
Referee for Fundamentae Mathematicae. 
Referee for the Pacific Journal of Mathematics. 
Referee for the Houston Journal of Mathematics. 
Referee for the Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics. 
Referee for Topology and its Applications. 
Organizer of a special session on continuum theory, A.M.S. meeting at LSU, November, 1982.
Grants Received. 
NSF, DMS-0072626, On planar mappings with invariant continua, 2000-2003, PI.
US Department of Education, Doctoral Fellowships in Applied Mathematics, 2000-2003, (co-PI Rudi Weikard).
NSF, DMS-9901207, An Accelerated Research and Study Program for Undergraduates in Mathematics, 1996-99 (Co-PI: John Mayer). 
NSF, DMS-9704903, The Topological Structure of Planar Continua, 1997-00, PI. 
NSF, DMS-9531387, An Accelerated Research and Study Program for Undergraduates in Mathematics, 1996-99 (Co-PI: John Mayer). 
US Department of Education, Doctoral Fellowships in Applied Mathematics, 1994--1997 (co-PI: John Mayer). 
NSF-EPSCoR travel award, 1991-94, 96. 
NSF-EPSCoR, RII-861-0669, 1986-90, Individual component, Roger T. Lewis PI. 
NSF, DMS-860-2400, 1986-88. 
NSF, DMS-861-3092, 1987, Spring Topology Conference. 
NSF, DMS-850-3331, 1985-87. 
NSF, MCS-830-2046, 1983-85. 
NSF, MCS-810-4866, 1981-83. 
Invited Addresses (Last 6 years).
2000 Midwest Dynamical Systems Meeting, Gainesville, FL, March 2000.
A.M.S. Special Session on the Topology of Continua, On Prime Ends and Fixed Points, Austin, TX, October 1999.
A.M.S. Special Session on Continuum Theory and Dynamical Systems, The Contraction Principle for Certain Locally Connected Julia Sets, Gainesville, FL, March 1999.
A.M.S. Special Session on Topology in Dynamics, External Impressions in non-locally-connected Julia Sets, Winston-Salem, NC, October, 1998.
A.M.S. Special Session on Low Dimensional Dynamics, Recurrent Critical Points and Typical Limit sets of Rational Maps, Milwaukee, WI, October, 1997.
1997 Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference,  Typical  omega  limit  sets  for  rational  mappings  of   the  sphere, Lafayette,  La.  April 1997.
A.M.S Special Session in Continuum Theory and Dynamical Systems, Properties of subcontinua of Julia sets , Chattanooga, TN, October 1996.
Eighth Prague Topological Symposium, Periodic points near indifferent fixed points , Prague, Czech republic, August 1996. 
Borsuk and Kuratowski Session at the Stefan Banach Mathematical Center, Characterizing homogeneous 1-dimensional spaces , Warsaw, Poland, May 1996. 
Summer Conference on General Topology and Applications, On invariant subsets for planar mappings ,  Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 1994. 
A.M.S. Special Session in Modern Methods in Continuum Theory, Cincinnati, OH, On homogeneous totally disconnected spaces , January, 1994.
A.M.S. Special Session in Continuum Theory and Dynamical Systems, Knoxville, TN, Group actions on R-trees , March 1993. 
A.M.S. Special Session in Continuum Theory and Dynamical Systems, San Antonio, TX, The geometry of laminations, January, 1993. 
Twenty--third University of Southwestern Louisiana Mathematics Conference, The geometry of laminas ,  October 1992
1991 Spring Topology Conference, The geometry of Julia sets , Sacramento, CA, April, 1991. 

Theses or Research Projects Directed.

Sean MacDonald, PhD 1998.
Mark Widener, PhD 1997.
John McCuan, B.S., 1989.
Brant Davidson, M.S., 1989.
Linda Hedrick, M.S., 1986.

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