Shannon's Favorite Links
1. Chapter 1 from the book ``Magnetism Made Simple''
by Daniel Mattis, published by World Scientific, and with ordering information
available here:
The link is here:
This has a wonderful history of magnetism, which was apparently jointly written by Daniel Mattis and his wife.
2. Links for Stein's method.
The Wikipedia article on Stein's method is very nice:
This is an excellent introduction.
Two other things of note are Charles Stein's original monograph,
"Approximate computation of expectations,"
which is available freely by Project Euclid (Open Access):,
and Louis H.Y. Chen's selected publication list,,
especially since it has an online pdf copy of his paper,
"Two central limit problems for dependent random variables," Z. Wahrsch. Verw. Gebiete. 43 (1978), 223-243,
which shows how to extend Stein's method to all infinitely-divisible distributions.