Professor of Mathematics
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Note: Moving to KAIST starting Fall of 2016
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NSF/CBMS Conference at UAB in Quantum Spin Systems
A Conference in memory of Kolya Chernov
primary area of research is probability theory. Within this field my interests
include fractional Brownian motion, Levy and stable processes, and topics in statistical
mechanics such as interacting particle systems, Gibbs
measures, and random matrices. Below is a link to my papers and preprints which are all on the Arxiv.
The following publications can be found at this link
central limit theorem for negatively dependent heavy-tailed stationary
infinitely divisible processes generated by conservative flows.
Annals of Probability (To Appear), with T. Owada and G. Samorodnitsky.
Levy-Khintchine random matrices and the Poisson weighted infinite skeleton tree.Transactions of the AMS (To Appear).Theoretical foundation of a target frequency fMRI analysis: an amplitude distribution theorem.International Journal of Clinical Biostatistics and Biometrics (2015) 1:2, with M. Froelich and S. Starr.On the Tanaka formula for the derivative of self-intersection local time of fBm.Stochastic Processes and Their Applications (2014), 124:3846-3868, with G. Markowsky.Wigner crystallization in the quantum 1D jellium at all densities.Communications in Mathematical Physics, (2014) 331:1133-1154, with S. Jansen.A Lindeberg-Feller theorem for stable laws.Probability and Statistics Letters, (2014) 84:198-203, with C. Dombry.Holder continuity and occupation-time formulas for fBm self-intersection local time.Journal of Theoretical Probability (2013) 1-16, with G. Markowsky.Random walks at random times: convergence to iterated Levy motion,
fractional stable motions, and other self-similar processes.Annals of Probability (2013) 41:2682-2708, with G. Markowsky.Random-time isotropic fractional stable fields.Journal of Theoretical Probability, (2014) 27:618-633.Indicator fractional stable motions.Electronic Communications in Probability, (2011) 16:165-173.Symmetry breaking in quasi-1D Coulomb systems.Annales Henri Poincare, (2010) 11(8):1453-1485. With M. Aizenman and S. Jansen.On the critical behavior at the lower phase transition of the contact process.Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, (2007) 3:301-320. With M. Aizenman.Two phase transitions for the contact process on small worlds.Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, (2007) 117(12):1910-1929. With R. Durrett.The critical value of the contact process with added and removed edges.Journal of Theoretical Probability, (2005) 18(4):949-955.The noisy voter-exclusion process.Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, (2005) 115(12):1979-2005.Perturbations of the symmetric exclusion process.Markov Processes and Related Fields, (2004) 10(4):564:584.Extremal reversible measures for the exclusion process.Journal of Statistical Physics, (2003) 112(1):165-191.Invariant measures of the exclusion process and related processes.Ph.D. Thesis (2003) 1-112.