Fall 2015

  1. Math 692-00B: Advanced Numerical Linear Algebra
  2. Math 360-1B: Scientific Programming
  3. Math 125-6C: Calculus I

Past Teaching

University of Alabama at Birmingham
  1. Math 361: Math Modeling (Spring 2015)
  2. Math 660: Numerical Linear Algebra (Spring 2015)
  3. Math 360-1B: Scientific Programming (Fall 2014)
  4. Math 125-6C: Calculus I (Fall 2014)
  5. Math 361-3B: Mathematical Modeling (Spring 2014)
  6. Math 126-6C: Calculus II (Spring 2014)
  7. Math 360-1B: Scientific Programming (Fall 2013)
  8. Math 125-6C: Calculus I (Fall 2013)
  9. Math 125-8C: Calculus I (Spring 2013)
  10. Math 125-6C: Calculus I (Fall 2012)
Clarkson University
  1. Math 232: Elementary Differential Equations (Spring 2012)
  2. Math 331: Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems (Spring 2012)
  3. Math 232: Elementary Differential Equations (Fall 2011)
  4. Math 573: Matrix Theory and Computations (Fall 2011), Grad Course
  5. Math 377: Numerical Methods (Fall 2010)
  6. Math 578: Numerical Analysis (Fall 2010), Grad Course
  7. Math 339: Applied Linear Algebra (Spring 2010)
  8. Math 363: Mathematical Modeling (Spring 2010)
  9. Math 377: Numerical Methods (Fall 2009)
  10. Math 570: Fundamentals of Scientific Computing (Fall 2009), Grad Course
  11. Math 331: Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems (Spring 2009)
  12. Math 231: Calculus III (Spring 2009)
  13. Math 572(CivEng 538,MechEng 515): Finite Element Methods (Fall 2008), Grad Course
Rochester Institute of Technology
  1. Math 318: Matrices and Boundary-Value Problems (Spring 2008)
  2. Math 410: Vector Calculus (Winter 2008)
  3. Math 282: Calculus II (Fall 2007)
University of California at Los Angeles
  1. Math 164: Optimization (Spring 2006)
  2. Math 142: Mathematical Modelling (Winter 2006)
  3. Math 33B: Differential Equations (Fall 2005)
  4. Math 266E: Mathematical Control Theory (Spring 2005), Grad Course
  5. Math 151A: Applied Numerical Methods (Winter 2005)
  6. Math 269A: Advanced Numerical Analysis (Fall 2004), Grad Course
  7. Math 142: Mathematical Modelling (Spring 2004)
  8. Math 151B: Applied Numerical Methods (Winter 2004)
  9. Math 151A: Applied Numerical Methods (Fall 2003)