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Authors Dickey, Shealy, Romero, Holswade, and Weichman sailing off the coast of San Diego on August 1, 2000.



Selected Recent Publications

Selected Peer Review Pulbications:

  • J. A. Hoffnagle and D. L. Shealy, Refracting the k-function:  Stavroudis's solution to the eikonal equation for multielement opticial systems.  Journal of the Optical Society of America A 28.6, 1312-1320, 2011.

  • D. L. Shealy and J. A. Hoffnagle, Wavefront and caustics of a plane wave refracted by an arbitrary surface.  Journal of the Optical Society of America A 25.9, 2370-2382, October 2008.

  • D. L. Shealy and J. A. Hoffnagle, Laser beam shaping profiles and propagation.  Applied Optics 45.21, 5118-5131, 2006.

  • N. C. Evans and D. L. Shealy, Design and optimization of an irradiance profile shaping system with genetic algorithm method.  Applied Optics 37.22, 5216 - 5221, August 1, 1998.

  • W. Jiang, D.L. Shealy, and K.M. Baker, Development and testing of a holographic projection system.  Applied Optics 35.20, 5994-5998, 1996.

  • C. Wang and D.L. Shealy, Differential equation design of finite-conjugate reflective systems. Applied Optics 32.7, 1179-1188, 1993.

Selected Book Chapter Publications:

  1. D.L. Shealy and J. A. Hoffnagle, “Aspheric Optics for Laser Beam Shaping,” in Encyclopedia of Optical Engineering, edited by Ron Driggers, DOI: 10.1081/E-EOE-120029768, ISBN: 0-8247-0940-3 (paper) 0-8247-0939-X (electronic), (Taylor & Francis, 2006), URL of article (accessed 6 February 2007).

  2. D. L. Shealy, “Chapter 9: History of Beam Shaping,” in Laser Beam Shaping Applications, edited by Fred M. Dickey, Scott C. Holswade and David L. Shealy, ISBN 0-8247-5941-9, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2006, pp. 307-347.

Selected Proceeding Publications:

    1. J. A. Hoffnagle and D. L. Shealy,  "Wavefront generated by reflection of a plane wave from a conic section," in Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering IX, edited by Pantazis Z. Mouroulis, Warren J. Smith, R. Barry Johnson, Proceedings SPIE 7060, 70600V (2008).

  1. J. A. Hoffnagle and D. L. Shealy, “Caustic surfaces in a Keplerian two-lens beam shaper,” in Laser Beam Shaping VIII, edited by Fred M. Dickey and David L. Shealy, Proceedings SPIE 6663, 04-1, 2007.

  2. D. L. Shealy and J. A. Hoffnagle, “Wavefront and caustic surfaces of refractive laser beam shaper,” in Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization X, edited by R. John Koshel, G. Groot Gregory, Proceedings SPIE 6668, 666805-1, 2007.

  3. D. L. Shealy, “Geometrical optics: some applications of the intensity law,” Invited paper in Novel Optical Systems and Optimization IX, edited by José M. Sassian and Mary G. Turner, Proceedings SPIE 6289, 0F-1-16, 2006.

  4. D. L. Shealy, J. A. Hoffnagle and K-. H. Brenner, “Analytic beam shaping for flattened output irradiance profiles,” in Laser Beam Shaping VII, edited by Fred M. Dickey and David L. Shealy, Proceedings SPIE 6290, 06-1-11, 2006.






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