Authors Dickey, Shealy,
Romero, Holswade, and Weichman sailing off the coast of San Diego on August 1, 2000.
My Recent Presentations
Invited Talks
- “Analytic design of laser beam shaping optics,” David L Shealy and John A. Hoffnagle, General Optical Design and Instrumentation I, Frontiers in Optics 2007, 18 September, 2007, San Jose.
- “Geometrical optics: some applications of the law of intensity,” David L Shealy, Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization IX Conference at SPIE Optics & Photonics Symposia, August 13-17, 2006, San Diego.
- “Optical design of laser beam shaping systems,” David L. Shealy, International Optical Design Conference, Paper No. IWA2, Tucson, June 5, 2002.
Contributed Talks
"Review: design and analysis of plano-aspheric laser beam shaper," David L. Shealy and John A. Hoffnagle,
Laser Beam Shaping XIII Conference, paper 8420-
02, SPIE Optics & Photonics Symposia, San Diego, August
13, 2012.
"Optical and Mechanical Tolerances for a two lens plano-apheric laser beam shaper," John A. Hoffnagle and David L. Shealy, Laser Beam Shaping XIII Conference, paper 8420-
03, SPIE Optics & Photonics Symposia, San Diego, August
13, 2012.
"Extending Stavroudis's Solution of the eikonal equation to multi-element optical systems," John A. Hoffnagle and David L. Shealy, Frontiers in Optics Conference 2009– OSA's 93rd Annual Meeting, San Jose, October 11-15, 2009.
“Wavefront and caustic surfaces of refractive laser beam shaper,” David L Shealy and John A. Hoffnagle, Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization X Conference, paper no. 6668-05, SPIE Optics & Photonics Symposia, San Diego, 28-29 August, 2007.
“Irradiance distributions within refractive laser beam shapers,” John A. Hoffnagle, Laser Beam Shaping VIII Conference, paper 6663-03, SPIE Optics & Photonics Symposia, San Diego, 28-29 August, 2007.
“Analytical beam shaping for flattened output irradiance profile,” David L Shealy, John A. Hoffnagle and Karl-Heinz Brenner, Laser Beam Shaping VII Conference, 6290, SPIE Optics & Photonics Symposia, San Diego, 13 - 14 August, 2006.
“Beam shaping profiles and propagation,” David L Shealy and John A Hoffnagle, Laser Beam Shaping VI Conference, 5876, SPIE International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, San Diego, August 2005.
“Effects of dispersion on the performance of a refractive beam shaper,” John A Hoffnagle and David L. Shealy, Laser Beam Shaping VI Conference, 5876, SPIE International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, San Diego, August 2005.