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SERGEY B. MIROV, University Professor
(205) 934-8088, mirov@uab.edu



  1. Novel laser breakdown spectrometer provides multi-element analysis for environmental monitoring, OE Reports #189, September 1999


  1. SOLID-STATE LASERS: Near-IR and white light result from one crystal, Laser Focus World, February 2000


  1. Phase II DOD/SBIR award to develop a single solid-state laser that generates both very deep ultraviolet and mid infrared wavelengths


  1. ZnS and ZnSe microchip lasers emit continuous-wave infrared radiation, Laser Focus World, July 2002

5.      UAB Physicists Win Best Paper Prize from U.K. Professional Society, October 2004

  1. Snell Premium Award for development of Mid-IR microchip lasers (January 2005)
  2. Optical nose” project is featured in the UAB Reporter (2006).
  3. NSF/Biophotonics program features the “Optical nose” project results as notable accomplishments (May 2007)


9.      PHOTONIC FRONTIERS: MATERIALS FOR SOLID-STATE LASERS: New materials expand capabilities of solid-state lasers, laser Focus World, February 2009


10.  Dr. Sergey Mirov named as the recipient of the 2009 Caroline P. and Charles W. Ireland Prize for Scholarly Distinction


11.  Physicist Sergey Mirov Wins 2009 Ireland Award for Scholarly Distinction


12.  The “optical nose” being developed at Dr. Mirov’s lab has been highlighted as part of the NSF press release 09-095 announcing the new MRI funding opportunity in response to the Recovery Act.


13.  IPG Photonics acquires Photonics Innovations, enters mid-IR laser space.


14.  Mirov Appointed University Professor in Physics at UAB


15.  (September 2012) Transition Metal Doped Mid-IR Crystalline Lasers are featured in International Innovation Journal. International Innovation is the leading global dissemination resource for the wider scientific, technology and research communities, dedicated to disseminating the latest science, research and technological innovations on a global level. More information and a complimentary subscription offer to the publication can be found at: www.researchmedia.eu


16.  Sergey Mirov named Fellow by Optical Society of America (2012) https://www.uab.edu/news/people/item/1997-uab-physics-professor-named-fellow-by-optical-society


17.  Sergey Mirov named Fellow by the National Academy of Inventors (2014) https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/national-academy-of-inventors-names-170-new-fellows-300010066.html; https://www.birminghambusinessalliance.com/regional-news-1/birmingham-boasts-eight-national-academy-inventors-fellows

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