SERGEY B. MIROV, Professor
Associate Director, Laser and Photonics Research Center

(205) 934-8088,


Curriculum Vitae        Classes

Laser Physics-Novel Lasers and Applications

The promise of laser research is exciting not only from the many applications, but because the physics of their function is an expression of both nature and human ingenuity. Being able, at will, to produce whatever wavelength and power from a single laser represents the ideal goal. Recognizing practical limits our laboratory is dedicated toward achieving as wide range of "color" in lasing as possible from materials such as alkali-halides and impurity-doped alkali-earth fluoride crystals prepared by exposure to ionizing radiation as well as transitional metal doped wide band II-VI semiconductor materials. Long term research is directed towards the development and investigation of novel vibronic crystalline laser media as well as novel schemes for tunable lasers. We have developed technology of room temperature stable LiF:F2+ color center crystals and constructed a solid state  laser on their basis that produces light from beyond 0.8 to 1.2 microns and with nonlinear transformations from ultraviolet (0.2 microns) to middle IR spectral range (10 microns). We also developed technology of ZnS and ZnSe crystals doping based on pulse laser deposition and subsequent thermal annealing of the samples, manufactured and characterized dozens of  Cr:ZnS and ZnSe crystals with  good laser properties. The "blue-prints" of Cr:ZnS epitaxial thin film technology was also developed. First  CW and gain switched middle IR microchip lasers on Cr2+:ZnS and ZnSe crystals were proposed and realized. Slope efficiencies up to 53% with output power up-to 600mW for CW and energy of 1 mJ for pulsed pumping were achieved. We designed and realized  a compact, tunable over ~ 700 nm between 2170 and 2840 nm external cavity Er-fiber laser pumped CW laser yielding up to 1200 mW of output power and up to 40% slope efficiency. Laser based systems are being developed for fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy of optical materials, data telecommunication, for analysis of protein crystals being grown on the International Space Station, rocks on Mars, and traces of metals that are toxic components of environment. Biotechnical medical applications are pursued in conjunction with the UAB nationally renowned medical center. The Nation Science Foundation (NSF), Department of Defense, NASA and industrial partners support these research programs.





Instrumentation available at the Laser lab:

Absorption Spectroscopy: Absorption spectroscopy is performed with a Shimadzu UV-VIS-NIR double beam spectrophotometer UV 3101PC and with a home-made cavity ring down spectrometer coupled to a broadly tunable (200-1200 nm) alexandrite-LiF:F2+ color center laser combination.


Fluorescence and Raman spectroscopies are centered around Janis Research Company CCS-450 closed cycle refrigerator system. Numerous pulsed and CW lasers can be configured for samples excitation. Among them a Spectra-Physics model GRC-230 injection seeded Nd:YAG laser with frequency doubling, tripling, and quadrupling coupled to two LightAge Raman shifters (H2 and D2), and tunable (1100-1250, 550-600, 280-300 nm) LiF:F2- color center laser “MALSAN”; Light Age Alexandrite Laser System PAL101 with variable temporal and spectral outputs coupled to home made LiF:F2+ color center laser (800-1200 nm) with frequency doubling, tripling, quadrupling and difference frequency generation (200-8000nm); Continuum PY61-10 high energy picosecond Nd:YAG; 500 Hz repetition rate 1 mJ diode pumped Nd:YAG laser “PULSAR 200” with a pulse duration of 1.5-2 ns with frequency doubling and tripling option. CW lasers include, SDL824 tunable diode laser, several home-made external cavity multiwavelength diode lasers, Er-fiber 1550 nm, 10W linearly polarized ELD laser (IPG Photonics), and several home made Er fiber laser pumped microchip and external cavity mid-IR (2-3µm) tunable lasers based on Cr2+:ZnS and ZnSe lasers. We are equipped with several spectrometers/spectrographs for measuring fluorescence, excitation, and Raman spectra and kinetics of fluorescence. Among them portable Ocean Optics R2000 fiber coupled Raman system and several Acton Research Corp. SpectraPro scanning monochromators/imaging spectrographs - (SpectraPro 750, 500, 150) with gratings covering UV (200 nm) – middle IR (14000nm) spectral range coupled to two Princeton Instruments ICCD. Other detectors include a numerous PMT’s, TE-cooled PbS and InGaAS detector for the 0.7 to 3 μm range, and a LN-cooled HgCdTe and fast InSb detectors for the 2 - 14 and 2-5 μm range, respectively. Data acquisition is performed with ARC NCL Spectral Management System, two Stanford Instrument boxcar-averagers and EGG Instruments 7265 lock-in amplifier interfaced with PC. Fast InSb detector has a sub-500 ns response time, and in conjunction with a digitizing oscilloscope or box-car system, can be used for luminescence lifetime measurements.


The Laser lab has extensive equipment for Z-scan and DFWM characterization of nonlinear optical materials. Spiricon LBA 100 beam profiler is available for beam diagnostics and Wavemeter W-4500 (Burleigh) system for wavelength measurements. The laser and nonlinear optics lab also has extensive miscellaneous equipment: eight Newport RC 2000 vibration isolated optical tables, a large variety of optical positioning equipment, and the optics, including mirrors, beam splitters, lenses, filters, microscope objectives, and polarizing optics.




228 research publications in physics: 1 book, 76 peer-reviewed publications in refereed articles, 57 papers published in conference proceedings, book chapters and preprints, 94 not peer-reviewed publications - extended conference abstracts.


PATENTS: 12 patents




·       "Temperature-dependent spectroscopic analysis of F2+** and F2+ like color centers in LiF", N.W.Jenkins, S.B.Mirov, V.V.Fedorov, J. Lumin., 91, 147-153 (2000).

·       "The effect of ordering of internal water in thaumatin and lysozyme crystals as revealed by Raman method", A.Kudryavtsev, S.B.Mirov, L.DeLucas, C.Gale, S.Craig, B.Rosenblum (September 2000), J. of Crystal Growth 219, 102-114 (2000).

·       Structural and Morphological Study of Pulsed Laser Deposited Calcium Phosphate Bioceramic Coatings: Influence of Deposition Conditions, Laser Parameters, and Target Properties, H Zeng, W.R.Lasefield, S.B. Mirov (May 2000), J. of Biomedical Materials Research 50, 248-258 (2000).

·       Solid State White-Light Laser Utilizing LiF:F2+** Color Center Crystal, N.W.Jenkins, S.B.Mirov (May 2000), OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics on Advanced Solid State Lasers, S. Payne and C. Pollock, Eds. (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 2000) Vol. 34, pp. 364-370

·       Powerful Ultrabroadly tunable LiF:F2+** Laser, N.W.Jenkins, S.B.Mirov, V.V.Fedorov (April 2000), in Solid State Lasers IX, R. Scheps, Editor, Proceedings of SPIE v.3929, 278-288 (2000).

·       "Multiphonon sideband intensities of rare earth ions in crystals", K.K.Pukhov, T.T. Basiev, J. Heber, S. Mirov, F. Auzel (October 1999), J. Lumin., v.83-84, 171- 175 (1999)

·       "Nonradiative relaxation and inhomogeneous splitting of aggregated optical centers in the Nd3+ doped CaF2 and SrF2 crystals (FLN and decay study)", Yu.V. Orlovskii, V.V. Fedorov, T.T. Basiev, M. Altwein, B. Leu, J. Heber, S. Mirov, (October 1999), J. Lumin., v.83-84, 361-366 (1999)

·       A Novel laser Breakdown Spectrometer for Environmental Monitoring, S.B.Mirov, R.E. Pitt, A. Dergachev, W. Lee, D.V. Martyshkin, O.D. Mirov, J.J.Randolph, L.DeLucas, C.G.Brouillette, T.T.Basiev, Y.V.Orlovskii, O.K.Alimov, I.N.Vorob’ev  (September 1999) in Air Monitoring and Detection of Chemical and Biological Agents II, J.Leonelli and M.L.Althouse, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE vol.3855, 34-41 (1999)

·       Characterization of the Orientational Ordering in Tetragonal Lysozyme Crystals by Raman Spectroscopy, A.B. Kudryavtsev, S.B. Mirov, L.J. DeLucas, C. Nicolete, M. van der Woerd, T.T.Basiev, Acta Cryst. D, D54, 1216-1229 (1998).

·       "Two Photon Absorption in GaSe and CdGeAs2", K.L.Vodopyanov, S.B.Mirov, V.G.Voevodin, and P.G.Schuneman, , Optics Comm. 155, 47-51 (1998).

·       "Tunable Mid Infrared Downconversion in GaSe and AgGaS2", A.O. Okorogu, S.B. Mirov, W. Lee, D.I. Crouthamel, N. Jenkins, A.Yu. Dergachev, K.L. Vodopyanov, and V.V. Badikov, Optics Comm. 155, 307-313 (1998).

·       "Efficient room temperature LiF:F2+** color center tunable laser tunable over 820-1210 nm range", S. B.Mirov and A.Yu.Dergachev, Optics Comm. 145, 107-112 (1998).

·       "Method for producing large, stable concentrations of Sc2+ in optically clear CaF2 crystals", C.L.Marquardt, J.F.Pinto, R.E.Allen, L.Esterowitz, A.Yu.Dergachev, S.Ke, S.B.Mirov, J.Mater. Res., 13, 257-260 (1998)

·       All solid state laser system, continuously tunable over 0.2-10 micron spectral range, S.B. Mirov, A.O.Okorogu, W. Lee, D.I. Crouthamel, N. W. Jenkins, K. Graham, A. R. Gallian, A.Yu. Dergachev, W.B. Yan, W.J. Strachan, T.F. Steckroat, D. F. Heller, J.C. Walling, in Applications of Photonics Technology 3: Closing the gap between Theory, Development, and Application, George A. Lampropoulos, and Roger A. Lessard, Editors, Procedings of SPIE vol. 3491, 1082-1088 (1998).

·       Color-center powder laser: the effect of pulverization on color-center characteristics, M.A. Noginov, N. E. Noginova, S. U. Egarievwe, H. J. Caulfield, P.Venkateswarlu, A. Williams, S. B. Mirov, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 14, 2153-2160 (1997).

·       "New trends in tunable lasers based on color center and radiationally pertubed doped crystals", S.B. Mirov. Journal of Luminescence 72, 9-12 (1997).