(205) 934-8088, mirov@uab.edu
PUBLICATIONS: 529 research publications in physics: 1 book, 167 peer-reviewed publications in refereed articles, 121 papers published in conference
proceedings, book chapters and preprints, 240 not peer-reviewed
publications - extended conference abstracts
PATENTS: 26 patents
· Sang-Hoon Nam, Vladimir Fedorov, Sergey Mirov, and Kyung-Han Hong, “Octave-spanning mid-infrared femtosecond OPA in a ZnGeP2 pumped by a 2.4 μm Cr:ZnSe chirped-pulse amplifier,” 28(22) 32403-32414 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.405648
D. Tovey, J. J. Pigeon,
S. Ya. Tochitsky, G. Louwrens, I. Ben-Zvi, C. Joshi, D.
Martyshkin, V. Fedorov, K. Karki, and S. B. Mirov, “Gain dynamics in a CO2 active
medium optically pumped at 4.3 μm,”
J. of Appl. Phys., 128(10) 1031013 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0014020
Ozarfar Gafarov, Rick Watkins,
Vladimir Fedorov, and Sergey Mirov, “Cross-section of electrical impact
excitation in bulk n-type monocrystalline Al:Cr:ZnSe,” Opt. Mat. Express 10(9), 2135-2141 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1364/OME.402399
Alphan Sennaroglu,
Gregory Goodno, Sergey Mirov, Johan Nilsson, Alan Petersen, Irina Sorokina, and
Stefano Taccheo, “Advanced Solid-State Lasers 2019: focus issue introduction,”
28(10), 15035-15037 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.396121
Sergey Vasilyev, Viktor
Smolski, Jeremy Peppers, Igor Moskalev, Mike Mirov, Yury Barnakov, Sergey Mirov,
and Valentin Gapontsev, “Middle-IR frequency comb
based on Cr:ZnS laser,” Opt. Express 27(24),
35079-35087 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.27.035079
J.J. Pigeon, D. Tovey, S. Ya. Tochitsky, G.J. Louwrens, I. Ben-Zvi, D. Martyshkin, V. Fedorov, K. Karki, S.
Mirov, C. Joshi, “Resonant nonlinear refraction of 4.3-μm light in CO2
gas,” Physical Review A, 100(1), 011803 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.100.011803
Benoît Boulanger, Gregory Goodno, Shibin Jiang, Sergey Mirov, Johan
Nilsson, Alan Petersen, Stefano Taccheo, Focus issue introduction: advanced
solid-state lasers,” Opt. Express 27(15), 20938-20941 (2019).
Sergey Vasilyev, Igor Moskalev,
Viktor Smolski, Jeremy Peppers, Mike Mirov, Andrey Muraviev, Konstantin
Vodopyanov, Sergey Mirov, and Valentin Gapontsev,
“Multi-octave visible to long-wave IR femtosecond continuum generated in Cr:ZnS-GaSe tandem,” Opt. Express 27(11), 16405-16413
(2019). https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.27.016405
Dmitry Martyshkin, Vladimir
Fedorov, Taylor Kesterson, Sergey Vasilyev, Hairun Guo, Junqiu Liu, Wenle Weng,
Konstantin Vodopyanov, Tobias J. Kippenberg, Sergey Mirov,
“Visible-near-middle infrared spanning supercontinuum
generation in a silicon nitride (Si3N4) waveguide,” Opt.
Mat. Express 9, 2553-3559 (2019).
Vladimir V. Fedorov, Tristan
Carlson, Sergey B. Mirov, “Energy transfer in iron-chromium co-doped ZnSe middle-infrared laser crystals,” Opt. Mat. Express
9(5), 2340-2347 (2019).
Ranu Surolia, Fu Jun Li, Zheng
Wang, Huashi Li, Kevin Dsouza, Vinoy Thomas, Sergey
Mirov, Dolores Pérez-Sala, Mohammad Athar, Victor J Thannickal, Veena B.
Antony, “Vimentin intermediate filament assembly
regulates fibroblast invasion in fibrogenic lung
injury,” JCI insight 4 (7), 1-17 (2019) doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.123253.
Shova D. Subedi, Vladimir V.
Fedorov, Jeremy Peppers, Dmitry V. Martyshkin, Sergey B. Mirov, Linbo
Shao, and Marko Loncar, “Laser spectroscopic characterization of negatively
charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV−) centers in
diamond,” Opt. Mat. Express 9 (5), 2076-2087 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1364/OME.9.002076.
Vladimir Fedorov, Dmitry
Martyshkin, Krishna Karki, and Sergey Mirov, “Q-switched and
gain-switched Fe:ZnSe lasers tunable
over 3.60–5.15 µm,” Opt. Express 27(10), 13934-13941 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.27.013934
Sergey Vasilyev, Igor
Moskalev, Viktor Smolski, Jeremy Peppers, Mike Mirov, Vladimir Fedorov, Dmitry
Martyshkin, Sergey Mirov, Valentin Gapontsev,
“Octave-spanning Cr:ZnS femtosecond laser with
intrinsic nonlinear interferometry,” Optica
(memorandum), 6(2), 126-127 (2019), https://doi.org/10.1364/OPTICA.6.000126
Sergey Vasilyev, Igor S.
Moskalev, Viktor O. Smolski, Jeremy M. Peppers, Mike Mirov, Andrey V. Muraviev,
Kevin Zawilski, Peter G. Schunemann, Sergey B. Mirov, Konstantin L.
Vodopyanov, Valentin P. Gapontsev, “Super-octave
longwave mid-infrared coherent transients produced by optical rectification of
few-cycle 2.5-μm pulses,” Optica, 6(1), 111-114
(2019), https://doi.org/10.1364/OPTICA.6.000111.
V. Smolski, S. Vasilyev, Igor
Moskalev, M. Mirov, Q. Ru, A. Muraviev, P. Schunemann, S. Mirov, V. Gapontsev, and K. Vodopyanov, “Half-Watt average power
femtosecond source spanning 3–8 µm based on subharmonic generation in GaAs,”
Appl. Phys. B 124:101 (7pp), (2018).
Sergey Mirov, Igor Moskalev, Sergey Vasilyev, Viktor Smolski, Vladimir Fedorov,
Dmitry Martyshkin, Jeremy Peppers, Mike Mirov, Alex Dergachev, Valentin Gapontsev, “Frontiers of mid-IR lasers based on transition
metal doped chalcogenides,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum
Electronics, 24(5), 1601829, pp 1-29, September/October 2018, DOI:
A. Sincore,
J. Cook, F. Tan, A. El Halawany, A. Riggins, S.
McDaniel, G. Cook, D.V. Martyshkin, V.V. Fedorov, S.B. Mirov, L. Shah,
A.F. Abouraddy, M.C. Richardson, K.L. Schepler, “High
power single-mode delivery of mid-infrared sources through chalcogenide fiber,” Optics Express, 26 (6), 7313-7323 (2018).
B. Boulanger, S. Jiang, S.
Mirov, J. Nilsson, A. Petersen, F. Rotermund, S. Taccheo, T. Taira, “Feature
issue introduction: Advanced Solid-State Lasers 2017,” Optical Materials
Express 8 (5), 1246-1252 (2018).
Fu Jun Li, Ranu Surolia, Huashi Li, Zheng Wang, Gang Liu, Rui-Ming Liu, Sergey B
Mirov, Mohammad Athar, Victor J Thannickal, Veena B Antony, Low-dose
cadmium exposure induces peribronchiolar fibrosis
through site-specific phosphorylation of vimentin,
American Journal of Physiology, Lung cellular and Molecular Physiology, 313(1),
L80-L91 (2017).
C. Canalias, S. Mirov,
T. Taira, and B. Boulanger, “Feature issue introduction: shaping and patterning
crystals for optics,” Optical Materials Express 7(9), 3466-3470 (2017).
D. Hobbs, B. Macleod, E. Sabatino, S. Mirov, D. Martyshkin, M. Mirov, G. Tsoy, S. McDaniel, and G. Cook, “Laser testing of
anti-reflection microstructures fabricated in ZnSe
and chromium-ion doped ZnSe laser gain media,” Opt.
Materials Express 7(9), 3377-3388 (2017).
S. Vasiliev,
I. Moskalev, M. Mirov, V. Smolski, S. Mirov, and V. Gapontsev,
“Ultrafast middle-IR lasers and amplifiers based on polycrystalline Cr:ZnS and Cr:ZnSe,”
Opt. Materials Express 7(7), 2636-2650 (2017).
Q. Ru, N. Lee, X. Chen, K. Zhong, G. Tsoy, M. Mirov, S.
Vasilyev, S. Mirov, and K. Vodopyanov, “Optical parametric oscillation in a
random polycrystalline medium,” Optica (memorandum),
4(6), 617-618 (2017).
O. Gafarov, A. Martinez, V. Fedorov,
S. Mirov, “Enhancement of Cr and Fe diffusion in ZnSe/S
laser crystals via annealing in vapors of Zn and hot
isostatic pressing,” Opt. Materials Express, 7(11), 25-31 (2017)
I. Moskalev, S. Mirov, M.
Mirov, S. Vasilyev, V. Smolski, A. Zakrevskiy, and V. Gapontsev,
“140W Cr:ZnSe laser system,”
Opt. Express, 24(18), 21090-21104 (2016).
S. Vasilyev, I. Moskalev, M.
Mirov, V. Smolski, S. Mirov, V. Gapontsev,
“Recent breakthroughs in solid-state mid-IR laser technology,” Laser Technik Journal 13(4), 1-5 (2016).
NoSoung Myoung, JeongSoo Park, Alan Martinez, Jeremy Peppers, Sang-Youp Yim, Won Seok
Han, Vladimir V. Fedorov, and Sergey B. Mirov, “Mid–IR spectroscopy of Fe:ZnSe quantum dots,” Opt. Express 24(5) 5366-5375 (2016).
S. Vasilyev, I. Moskalev, M.
Mirov, S. Mirov, V. Gapontsev, “Multi-Watt
mid-IR femtosecond polycrystalline Cr2+:ZnS and Cr2+:ZnSe
laser amplifiers with the spectrum spanning 2.0–2.6 μm,”
Opt. Express 24(2), 1616-1623 (2016).
R. Surolia, S. Karki, H. Kim, Z.
Yu, T. Kulkarni, S. Mirov, A.B. Carter, S. Rowe, S. Matalon,
V.J. Thannickal, A. Agarwal, and V.B. Antony, “Heme
oxygenase-1-mediated autophagy protects against pulmonary endothelial cell
death and development of emphysema in cadmium-treated mice,” Am J Physiol- Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 309(3): L 280-92 (2015). PMCID: PMC4525122
S. Vasilyev, I. Moskalev, M.
Mirov, S. Mirov, V. Gapontsev, “Three optical
cycle mid-IR Kerr-lens mode-locked polycrystalline Cr2+:ZnS laser”, Opt. Lett., 40(21),
5054-5057 (2015).
A.D. Martinez, D.V. Martyshkin,
R.P. Camata, V.V. Fedorov, and S.B. Mirov, “Crystal field engineering of
transition metal doped II-VI ternary and quaternary semiconductors for mid-IR tunable laser applications,” Opt. Mater. Express 5(9), 2036-2046
V.O. Smolski, S. Vasilyev, P.G.
Schunemann, S.B. Mirov, K.L. Vodopyanov, “Cr:ZnS laser pumped subharmonic GaAs OPO with an
instantaneous bandwidth 3.6-5.6 µm”, Opt. Lett., 40(12), 2906-2908 (2015).
J. Peppers, V.V. Fedorov, S.B.
Mirov, “Mid-IR photoluminescence of Fe2+ and Cr2+
ions in ZnSe crystal under excitation in charge
transfer bands”, Optics Express 23(4), 4406-4415 (2015).
A. Martinez, L. Williams, V.V.
Fedorov, S.B. Mirov, “Gamma radiation-enhanced thermal diffusion of iron
ions into II-VI semiconductor crystals”, Optical Materials Express 5(3).
558-565 (2015).
S. Mirov, V. Fedorov, D. Martyshkin, I. Moskalev, M. Mirov, S. Vasilyev,
“Progress in Mid-IR Lasers Based on Cr and Fe Doped II-VI Chalcogenides”, IEEE
Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (Invited paper), vol. 21, no.1, 1601719
(20pp) (2015).
H.N. Green, S.D. Crockett, K.P.
Singh, W.E. Grizzle, E.L. Rosenthal, S.B. Mirov, “A histological
evaluation and in vivo assessment of intratumoral
near infrared photothermal nanotherapy-induced
tumor regression”, Int. J of Nanomedicine, 9, 1-10 (2014).
V.V. Fedorov, T. Konak, J. Dashdorj, M.E. Zvanut, S.B. Mirov, “Optical and EPR
spectroscopy of Zn:Cr:ZnSe
and Zn:Fe:ZnSe crystals”, Optical Materials, 37, 262-266
J.R. Mcdonals,
S.J. Beecher, A. Lancaster, P.A. Berry, K.L. Schepler, S.B. Mirov, A.K. Kar, “Compact Cr:ZnS channel
waveguide laser operating at 2333 nm”, Opt. Express, 22(6) 7052-7057 (2014).
Yu. V. Terekhov,
D. V. Martyshkin, V. V. Fedorov, I. Moskalev and S. B. Mirov, “Fiber Pumped Er:YAG
Laser Passively Q-Switched by Co:ZnS and Cr:ZnSe crystals”. Laser Physics, 24 025003
(5pp) (2014).
Tetyana Konak, Michael Tekavec,
Vladimir V. Fedorov, and Sergey B. Mirov, “Electrical, spectroscopic,
and laser characterization of g-irradiated
transition metal doped II-VI semiconductors” Optical Materials Express, 3(6),
777-786 (2013).
NoSoung Myoung, Dmitri V.
Martyshkin, Vladimir V. Fedorov, Sergey B. Mirov, “Mid-IR lasing of
iron–cobalt co-doped ZnS(Se) crystals via Co–Fe
energy transfer”, J. of Luminescence, 133, 257-261 (2013).
· S. Mirov, V. Fedorov, I. Moskalev, M. Mirov, D. Martyshkin “Frontiers of mid-infrared lasers based on transition metal doped II–VI semiconductors”, [Invited] J. of Luminescence, 133, 268-275 (2013).
Dmitri V. Martyshkin, Anton V.
Fedorov, Anitha Arumugam,
David J. Hilton, Vladimir V. Fedorov, and Sergey B. Mirov “Mid-IR
volumetric Bragg grating based on LiF color center crystal” Opt. Mater.
Express 2(9) 1209-1218 (2012).
N. Myoung, V.V. Fedorov, S.B.
Mirov, L.E. Wenger, “Temperature and concentration quenching of mid-IR
photoluminescence in iron doped ZnSe and ZnS laser crystals”, J. Luminescence 132, 600–606 (2012).
H.N. Green, D. Martyshkin, C.M.
Rodenburg, E.L. Rosenthal, and S.B. Mirov,
“Gold nanorods Bioconjugates
for Active Tumor Targeting and Photothermal
Therapy”, J of Nanotechnology 631753, 7pp (2011).
S.B. Mirov, V.V. Fedorov, D.V. Martyshkin, I.S. Moskalev, M.S. Mirov, and V.P.
Gapontsev, “Progress in Mid-IR Cr2+ and Fe2+
doped II-VI materials and Lasers (invited)”, Optical Materials Express, 1,
898-910 (2011).
N. Myoung, D. V. Martyshkin, V. V. Fedorov, and S.
B. Mirov, “Energy scaling of 4.3 µm room temperature Fe:ZnSe laser”, Optics Letters 36(1),
94-96 (2011).
J. E. Williams, V.V. Fedorov,
D. V. Martyshkin, R. P. Camata, and S. B. Mirov, “Mid-IR laser
oscillation in Cr2+:ZnSe planar
waveguide,” Optics Express 18, 25999-26006 (2010).
· "Mid-IR random lasing of Cr-doped ZnS nanocrystals", D. V. Martyshkin, V. V. Fedorov, C. Kim, I. S. Moskalev, S. B. Mirov, J. Opt. 12, 024005 (5pp), (2010).
“Progress in Cr2+
and Fe2+ Doped Mid-IR Laser Materials”, S.B. Mirov, V.V. Fedorov,
I.S. Moskalev, D. Martyshkin, C. Kim, (invited review), Laser & Photonics
Review, 4, No. 1 21-41 (2010).
· “Semiconductor disk laser pumped Cr2+:ZnSe lasers,” Nils Hempler, John-Mark Hopkins, Nicola Schulz, Marcel Rattunde, Joachim Wagner, Igor Moskalev, Vladimir Fedorov, Sergey Mirov, and David Burns, Optics Express, 17(20), 18136-18141 (2009).
· “Limitations of Adenoviral Vector-Mediated Delivery of Gold Nanoparticles to Tumors for Hyperthermia Induction,” V. Saini, D.V. Martyshkin, V.D. Towner, S.B. Mirov and M. Everts, The Open Nanomedicine Journal, 2, 27-35 (2009).
· “Reduction of Nonlinear Absorption in Li2B4O7 by Temperature- and Repetition Rate-Control”, Masakuni Takahashi, Genta Masada, Ichiro Sekine, Marilou Cadatal, Toshihiko Shimizu, Nobuhiko Sarukura, Clare Byeon, Vladimir Fedorov, Sergey Mirov, Alex Dergachev and Peter F. Moulton, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 48, 112502-1-112502-5 (2009).
· “10-Watt, Room-Temperature, Pure Continuous-Wave, Polycrystalline Cr2+:ZnS Laser,” I.S. Moskalev, V.V. Fedorov, S.B.Mirov, Optics Express 17(4), 2048-2056 (2009).
· “Middle-infrared random lasing of Cr2+ doped ZnSe, ZnS, CdSe powders, powders imbedded in polymer liquid solutions, and polymer films,” C. Kim, D. V. Martyshkin, V.V. Fedorov, S.B. Mirov, Optics Communications 282, 2049-2052 (2009).
· “Highly efficient, narrow-linewidth, and single frequency actively and passively Q-switched fiber-bulk hybrid Er:YAG lasers operating at 1645 nm,” I.S. Moskalev, V.V. Fedorov, V.P. Gapontsev, D.V. Gapontsev, N.S. Platonov, and S.B. Mirov, Optics Express 16(24), 19427-19433 (2008).
· “Iron-doped CdxMn1−xTe crystals for mid-IR room-temperature lasers”, V.V. Fedorov, W. Mallory, S.B. Mirov, U. Hömmerich, S.B. Trivedi, W. Palosz, Journal of Crystal Growth 310, 4438-4442 (2008).
· “Mid-infrared Cr2+:ZnSe random powder lasers”, C. Kim, D.V. Martyshkin, V. V. Fedorov and S. B. Mirov, Optics Express, 16(7), 4952-4959 (2008).
· “Tunable, single-frequency, and multi-watt continuous-wave Cr2+:ZnSe lasers”, I.S. Moskalev, V. V. Fedorov, and S. B. Mirov, Optics Express 16(6), 4145-4153 (2008).
· “An adenoviral platform for selective self-assembly and targeted delivery of nanoparticles”, V.Saini, D.V. Martyshkin, S.B. Mirov, A.Perez, G.Perkins, M.H. Ellisman, V.D. Towner, H. Wu, L. Pereboeva, A. Borovjagin, D.T. Curiel, M. Everts, Small, 4(2), 262-269 (2008).
· “Pulsed laser deposition of chromium-doped zinc selenide thin films for mid-infrared applications”, J. E. Williams, R. P. Camata, V. V. Fedorov, S. B. Mirov, Appl. Phys. A, 91, 333-335 (2008).
· “Mid-IR Luminescence of Nanocrystalline II-IV Semiconductors Doped with Transition Metal Ions”, C. Kim, D. V. Martyshkin, V.V. Fedorov, I. S. Moskalev, S. B. Mirov, J. of Spectroscopy, 22(9), 32-37 (2007).
· ”Recent progress in transition metal doped II-VI mid-IR lasers”, Mirov, V. Fedorov, I. Moskalev, and D. Martyshkin, invited paper J. of Special Topics in Quantum Electronics, 13(3) May/June 2007.
· “En route to electrically pumped broadly tunable middle infrared lasers based on transition metal doped II-VI semiconductors”, V.V. Fedorov, A. Gallian, I. Moskalev, S.B. Mirov, invited article J. of Luminescence 125, 184-195 (2007).
· “Mid- IR transitions of trivalent neodymium in low phonon laser crystals”, Yu.V. Orlovskii, T.T. Basiev, K.K. Pukhov, O.K. Alimov, M.E. Doroshenko, M.V. Polyachenkova, L.N. Dmitruk, V.V. Osiko, D.V. Badikov, V.V. Badikov, S.B. Mirov, Optical Materials 29, 1115-1128 (2007).
· “3.77-5.05-µm Tunable Solid State Lasers based on Fe2+-doped ZnSe Crystals Operating at Low and Room Temperatures”, V.V. Fedorov, S.B. Mirov, A. Gallian, D. V. Badikov, M.P. Frolov, Y.V. Korostelin, V.I. Kozlovsky, A.I. Landman, Y.P. Podmar’kov, V.A. Akimov, A.A. Voronov, IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics 42 (9), 907-917 (2006).
· "Hot-pressed ceramic Cr2+:ZnSe gain-switched laser", A. Gallian, V. V. Fedorov, S. B. Mirov, V. V. Badikov, S. N. Galkin, E. F. Voronkin, and A. I. Lalayants, Opt. Express 14, 11694-11701 (2006).
Raman scattering in mid-IR spectral range 2.31-2.75-3.7 mm in
BaWO4 crystal under 1.9 and 1.56 mm
pumping”, T.T.
“3.9-4.8 μm gain-switched lasing of Fe:ZnSe
at room temperature”, J.Kernal, V.V.
· “Middle infrared quantum cascade laser optoelectronic absorption system for monitoring glucose in serum”, W.B.Martin, S.B.Mirov, R. Venugopalan, Applied Spectroscopy 59(7), 881-884 (2005).
· “Amplification of narrow line LiF:F2+** color center laser oscillation”, A.G. VanEngen Spivey, V.V. Fedorov, M. M. McKerns, C.M. Lawson, and S.B. Mirov, Opt. Comm., 254, (2005).
· “Spectroscopic studies of Molecular-Beam Epitaxially Grown Cr2+-doped ZnSe thin films”, A.Gallian, V.V.Fedorov, J.Kernal, J.Allman, S.B.Mirov, E.M.Dianov, A.O.Zabezhaylov I.P.Kazakov, Appl. Phys. Lett., 86, 091105 (2005).
· “Absorption Isotherm for Hemoglobin to the Silica-water Interface”, W.B.Martin, S.B.Mirov, D.Martyshkin, A.Shaw, , Journal of Biomedical Optics, 10(2), 024025-1-7, March/April (2005).
· “Application of laser beam shaping for spectral control of “spatially dispersive” lasers”, I.S.Moskalev, V.V.Fedorov, T.T.Basiev, P.G.Zverev, S.B.Mirov, Chapter 7, pp.241-267, in Laser Beam Shaping Applications, Dickey, Holswade, Shealy - Eds., Taylor & Francis, ISBN 0-8247-5941-9, 2005.
· “Multiwavelength mid-IR spatially-dispersive CW laser based on polycrystalline Cr2+:ZnSe”, I.S. Moskalev, S.B. Mirov, V.V. Fedorov, OPTICS EXPRESS 12, 4986-4992 (2004).
· “Absorption and PL studies of CdGa2S4:Cr”, M. B. Johnson, S. B. Mirov, V. Fedorov, J. Harrison, M. E. Zvanut, V.Badikov, Opt. Comm., 233, 403-410 (2004).
· “Tunable Distributed Feedback Color Center Laser using stabilized F2+** Color Centers in LiF Crystal”, D. V. Martyshkin, J. G. Parker, V. V. Fedorov, and S. B. Mirov, Appl. Phys. Lett., 84(16) 3022-3024 (2004).
· “Effective suppression of fluorescence light in Raman measurements using ultrafast time gated CCD camera”, D. V. Martyshkin, R. C. Ahuja, A. Kudriavtsev, S. B. Mirov, Review of Scientific Instruments, 75(3), 630-635 (2004). This article has been also selected for the March 2004 issue of Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science. The Virtual Journal, which is published by the American Physical Society and the American Institute of Physics in cooperation with numerous other societes and publishers, is an edited compilation of links to articles from participating publishers, covering a focused area of frontier research.
· "Two-photon absorption of F2- color centers in LiF crystal at 1906 nm", V.V. Fedorov, A.V. Fedorov, D. Martyshkin, J.F. Donegan, and S.B. Mirov, Laser Physics Letters, 1 (4), 163-166 (2004).
“Pulsed mid-IR Cr2+:ZnS and Cr2+:ZnSe lasers pumped by Q-switched
neodymium Raman lasers”, K.Graham, V.V.Fedorov, S.B.Mirov, M.E.Doroshenko, T.T.Basiev, Yu.V.orlovskii, V.V.Osiko, V.V.Badikov, V.L.Panyutin,
Quantum Electronics 34(1)
8-14 (2004).
assay for monitoring Zn-deficient superoxide dismutase in vitro”, D.V.Martyshkin, S.B.Mirov, Y.X.Zhuang, J.P.Crow, V.Ermilov, J.S.Beckman, Spectrochemica Acta A 59,
3165-3175 (2003).
and fiber pumped Cr2+:ZnS mid-IR external cavity and microchip
lasers”, S.B. Mirov, V.V. Fedorov,
K. Graham, I. S. Moskalev, I.T. Sorokina and E. Sorokin, V Gapontsev, D.
Gapontsev, V.V. Badikov, V. Panyutin, IEE Optoelectronics, 150 (4), 340-345 (2003) (Institute of Electrical Engineers, UK awarded this article with
the Snell Premium in October 2004).
· “External Cavity Multiwavelength Superbroadband Diode Laser”, I.S. Moskalev, S.B. Mirov, V.V. Fedorov, T.T. Basiev, Optics Comm., 220, 161-169 (2003).
· "Temperature-dependent spectroscopic analysis of F2+** and F2+ like color centers in LiF", N.W.Jenkins, S.B.Mirov, V.V.Fedorov, J. Lumin., 91, 147-153 (2000).
· "The effect of ordering of internal water in thaumatin and lysozyme crystals as revealed by Raman method", A.Kudryavtsev, S.B.Mirov, L.DeLucas, C.Gale, S.Craig, B.Rosenblum (September 2000), J. of Crystal Growth 219, 102-114 (2000).
· Structural and Morphological Study of Pulsed Laser Deposited Calcium Phosphate Bioceramic Coatings: Influence of Deposition Conditions, Laser Parameters, and Target Properties, H Zeng, W.R.Lasefield, S.B. Mirov (May 2000), J. of Biomedical Materials Research 50, 248-258 (2000).
· Solid State White-Light Laser Utilizing LiF:F2+** Color Center Crystal, N.W.Jenkins, S.B.Mirov (May 2000), OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics on Advanced Solid State Lasers, S. Payne and C. Pollock, Eds. (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 2000) Vol. 34, pp. 364-370
· Powerful Ultrabroadly tunable LiF:F2+** Laser, N.W.Jenkins, S.B.Mirov, V.V.Fedorov (April 2000), in Solid State Lasers IX, R. Scheps, Editor, Proceedings of SPIE v.3929, 278-288 (2000).
sideband intensities of rare earth ions in crystals", K.K.Pukhov, T.T. Basiev, J.
· "Nonradiative relaxation and inhomogeneous splitting of aggregated optical centers in the Nd3+ doped CaF2 and SrF2 crystals (FLN and decay study)", Yu.V. Orlovskii, V.V. Fedorov, T.T. Basiev, M. Altwein, B. Leu, J. Heber, S. Mirov, (October 1999), J. Lumin., v.83-84, 361-366 (1999)
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· Raman Spectroscopy for in situ evaluation of high-grade malignant gliomas induced in scid mice, C.E. Clary, A. Yu. Dergachev, S.B. Mirov, and G.Y. Gillespie. In Advances in Fluorescence Sensing Technology III, Richard Scheps, editor, Proc. SPIE 2980, 196-203 (1997).
· Novel laser atomic fluorescence spectrometer for environmental and biomedical analyses of heavy metals, S.B. Mirov and A. Yu. Dergachev. In Advances in Fluorescence Sensing Technology III, Richard Scheps, editor, Proc. SPIE 2980, 381-389 (1997).
· Investigation of luminescent properties of Sc:CaF2 and Sc,Ce:CaF2 crystals as promising new media for UV tunable lasers, S.B. Mirov, A. Yu. Dergachev, W.A. Sibley, L. Esterowitz, V.B. Sigachev, and A.G. Papashvili. In OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics on Advanced Solid State Lasers, S. Payne and C. Pollock, editors, (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 1996), Vol. 1, 482-487.
Room Temperature Tunable