Physical constants, Notes  and Links






Physical Constants


Planck constant h

=6.626 068 96 x 10-34 J s=4.135 667 33 x 10-15 eV s

Planck constant over 2p ħ

=1.054 571 628 x 10-34 J s=6.582 118 99 x 10-16 eV s

electric constant e0

=8.854 187 817... x 10-12 F m-1

magnetic constant m0

=4p x 10-7 H/m= 12.566 370 614... x 10-7 N A-2

electron mass me

=9.109 382 15 x 10-31 kg

elementary charge e

=1.602 176 487 x 10-19 C

Boltzmann constant k

=1.380 6504 x 10-23 J K-1

speed of light in vacuum c, c0

=299 792 458 m s-1

Newtonian constant of gravitation G

=6.674 28 x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2

Avogadro constant Na L

=6.022 141 79 x 1023 mol-1

molar gas constant R

=8.314 472 J mol-1 K-1

fine-structure constant a

=e2/(4πεoℏc) [SI]=(e2cμ0)/2h [SI]= e2/ℏc [cgs]=(137.035999074)-1

Loschmidt constant

= 2.6867811×1025[m-3]=2.6867811×1019[cm-3]




Useful Relations


Photon energy

w[J]=1.986/l[mm]´10-19 J

w[erg]=1.986/l[mm]´10-12 erg


Thermal Energy

kT300K= hc×208.51 [cm-1]=25.9 [meV]

Electric Field of E-M wave 

E[V/cm]=27×(Iliner pol [W/cm2])1/2


E[V/cm]=19×(Icircular pol [W/cm2])1/2




Notes on Spectroscopy




·        Physical Constants

·        Concentration units


·        Energy Levels of Rare Earth Ions (poster)


·        Judd-Ofelt theory (Brief Notes)

·        Reduced matrix element for Rare Earth ions

·          Energy splitting of 3d-orbitals in crystal fields (poster)

·        Term Energies of Transition Metals Ions (poster)

·        Energy Splitting of the 5D ions in the Crystal Fields s


·        Relation between emission and absorption cross-sections (Füchtbauer–Ladenburg equation)

·        Relation between luminescence spectra and emission cross-section (McCumber theory, reciprocity relation)









Fundamental Optics

·         Lens (basic equation and parameters)

·        Lens (focused spot size)

·        Fresnel equations


·        Gaussian beam


·        Waveplate




Laser Physics

·        Laser Basics



ü Milestones in the Development of Lasers and Their Applications



ü Light interaction with two-level system



ü Absorption Saturation



ü Circulating Power in Laser Cavity


·        Mid-IR Transition- Metal Solid-State Lasers



ü Historical background



ü Materials and Spectroscopic properties of Cr2+ and Fe2+ doped II-VI semiconductors at 5T2«5E Transition



ü Milestones in the Development of Cr2+-doped II-VI Lasers



ü Milestones in the Development of Fe2+-doped II-VI Lasers









·        Fundamental Physical constants (NIST)

·        Wolfram  Mathworld


·        World of the Physics


·        Refractive index database


·        Properties of the Semiconductors (UK)


·        New Semiconductor Materials (RU)

·        HITRAN database(RU)



LIBS and Atomic Spectra


·        LIBS Info







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