Lex G. Oversteegen
Department of Mathematics
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, Alabama 35294
Fax: (205) 934-9025
Telephone: (205) 934-2154
List of Publications
Non-Contractibility of Continua , Bull. de l'Acad. Polon. 26 (1978),
Internal characterizations of contractibility for fans , ibidem
27 (1979), 391-395.
Fans and embeddings in the plane , Pacific J. of Math. 83 (1979),
An uncountable collection of non-contractible fans , Bull. de l'Acad.
Polon. 27 (1979), 385-389.
Every contractible fan is locally connected at its vertex , Trans.
A. M. S. 260 (1980), 379-402.
Open retractions and locally confluent mappings of certain continua
Houston J. of Math. 6 (1980), 113-125.
An inverse limit description of an atriodic tree-like continuum and
an induced map without a fixed point , Houston J. of Math 6 (1980),
549-564. (with J.T.Rogers, Jr.).
Tree-like continua as limits of cyclic graphs , Top. Proc. 4 (1979),
507-514. (with J.T. Rogers, Jr.).
Atriodic tree-like continua , Proc. A. M. S. 38 (1981), 201-204
(with E.D. Tymchatyn).
A continuum chainable aposyndetic plane continuum , Houston J. of
Math. 7 (1981), 271-274.
Fixed point free maps on tree-like continua , Top. and Its Applications
13 (1982), 85-95 (with J.T. Rogers, Jr.).
Plane strips and the span of continua , (I), Houston J. of Math.
8 (1982), 129-142 (with E.D. Tymchatyn).
Fixed point sets of products and cones , Pac. J. of Math. 101 (1982),
129-142 (with J.R. Martin and E.D. Tymchatyn).
Subcontinua with degenerate tranches in hereditarily decomposable continua
Trans. A. M. S. 178 (1983), 717-724 (with E.D. Tymchatyn).
On the span of weakly chainable continua , Fund. Math. 122 (1984),
151-156 (with E.D. Tymchatyn).
Span and weakly chainable continua , Fund. Math. 122 (1984), 159-174
(with E.D. Tymchatyn).
A hereditarily indecomposable hereditarily non-chainable plane continuum
Fund. Math. 122 (1984), 237-246 (with Lee Mohler).
On span and chainable continua , (I), Fund. Math. 123 (1984), 137-149
(with E.D. Tymchatyn).
Plane strips and the span of continua , (II), Houston J. of Math.
10 (1984), 255-266 (with E.D. Tymchatyn).
Open and monotone fixed point free maps on uniquely arcwise connected
continua , Proceedings A. M. S. 95 (1986), 476-482 (with L. Mohler).
Reduction and irreducibility for words and tree words , Fund. Math.
126 (1986), 107-121 (with L. Mohler).
The Menger Curve, Characterization and extension of homeomorphisms of
non-locally separating closed sets , Dissertationes Math. CCLII (1986),
5-50 (with J.C. Mayer and E.D. Tymchatyn).
On products of (weakly) confluent mappings related to span , Houston
J. of Math. 12 (1986), 109-116.
On hereditarily indecomposable compacta (with. E.D. Tymchatyn),
Geometric and Algebraic Topology, Banach Center Publications 18 (1986),
On the structure of tranches in continuously irreducible continua
Colloq. Math. 54 (1987), 23-28 (with L. Mohler).
On span zero and chainability of continua , Houston J. Math 15 (1989),
On reductions of tree-words to (chain-)words , Houston J. of Math
15 (1989), 121-135.
On hereditarily decomposable hereditarily equivalent non-metric continua
Lee Mohler), Fund. Math. 136 (1990), 1-12.
Factorizations of mappings through arcs , Houston J. of Math 17
(1991), 443--451.
A topological characterizations of R-trees (with J. Mayer), Trans.
A. M. S. 320 (1990), 395-415.
A characterization of smooth Cantor Bouquets (with W. Bula), Proc.
A. M. S. 108 (1990), 529-534.
Recurrent homeomorphisms on R2 are periodic (with E.D.
Tymchatyn), Proc. A. M. S. 110 (1990), 1083-1088.
The product structure of homogeneous spaces (with J. Aarts), Indag.
Math. 52; N0.1 (1990), 1-5.
Whitney's Regular Families of Curves Revisited (with J. Aarts),
Contemp. Math. 117 (1991), 1--7.
Flowbox manifolds (with J. Aarts), Trans. A.M.S. 327 (1991), 449--463.
Orientability of matchbox manifolds (with J. Aarts and C. Hagopian),
Pacific J. of Math 150 (1991), 1--12.
One-to-one continuous images of the Reals (with J. Aarts), Top.
and its Applic. 41 (1991), 17--23.
A recurrent non-rotational homeomorphism on the annulus (with R.
Fokkink), Trans. A.M.S. 333 (1992); 865--875.
Continuum Theory (with J.C. Mayer), Chapter 15 in Recent Progress
in General Topology, North-Holland, Elsevier Publishing Company, 1992,
The geometry of the Julia sets (with J. Aarts), Trans. A. M. S.
338 (1993), 897--918.
Characterization of separable metric R-trees (with J. Mayer, L.
Mohler and E. Tymchatyn), Proc. A.M.S. 115 (1992); 257--264.
On Universal R-trees (with J. Mayer and J. Nikiel), Trans. A.M.S.
334 (1992); 411--432.
Denjoy meets rotation of an indecomposable cofrontier (with John
Mayer), Chapter 12 in Continuum Theory and Dynamical Systems, Marcel Dekker
1993; 183--199.
On the geometry of laminations (with R. Fokkink), Fund. Math 151
(1996), 195--207.
On the dimension of some totally disconnected spaces (with E.D.
Tymchatyn). Proc. A.M.S. 122 (1994); 885--889.
The dynamics of the Sierpinski curve (with J. Aarts), Proc. A.M.S.
120 (1994), 965--968.
Continuum chainability without arcs (with C.L. Hagopian), Houston
J. of Math. 21(1995), 407--411.
Semi-aposyndesis and continuum chainability (with C.L. Hagopian),
in CONTINUA with the Houston Problem Book , Lecture Notes in Pure
and Applied mathematics, Marcel Dekker Inc (1995), 249--252.
Matchbox manifolds (with J. Aarts), in CONTINUA with the Houston
Problem Book , Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied mathematics, Marcel
Dekker Inc (1995), 3--14.
The homeomorphism group of the hairy arc (with J. Aarts). Compositio
Mathematica 96 (1995), 283--292.
On homogeneous totally disconnected 1-dimensional spaces (with K.
Kawamura and E.D. Tymchatyn), Fund. Math. 150 (1996), 97--112.
Building blocks for Julia sets (with J. Grispolakis and J. Mayer),
Transactions of the AMS 351 (1999), 1203--1225.
On confluent images of hairy arcs (with S. Macias and M. Widener),
Topology and its Applications 105 (2000), 261--283.
Recurrent critical points and typical limit set of rational maps
A. Blokh and J. Mayer), Proc. A.M.S 127 (1999), 1215--1220.
Conformal measures and Typical Limit Sets (with A. Blokh and J.
Mayer), Topology and its Applications 108/3 (2000), 233--244.
Cantor Sets of Arcs in Local Sigel Disks Boundaries (with A. Maner
and J. Mayer), Topology and its
Applications 112 (2001), no. 3, 315--336.
On maps which are not semi-conjugate to interval maps (with S. MacDonald),
Houston J. of Math 28 (2002), 807--813.
Variation and Uniqeuness of Outchannels (with H. Bell, J. Mayer
and E. Tymchatyn), preprint.
Fixed points for positively oriented maps of the plane (with H. Bell, R. Fokkink, J. Mayer, and E. Tymchatyn),
On confluent graph-like compacta (with J. Prajs), Fundamenta Math. 178 (2003), 109--127.
Backward stability for polynomial maps with locally connected
Julia set (with A. Blokh), Transactions AMS 356 (2004),
p. 119--133.
Wandering triangles exist (with A. Blokh), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser I 339
(2004), 365-370.
Extensions of zero-dimensional dynamical systems and hyperbolic attractors
(with R. Fokkink and J. Keesling) Topology and its Apll. 152 (2005), 83-86.
On minimal maps of 2-manifolds (with A. Blokh and E. Tymchatyn), Ergodic Theory
and Dyn. Sys. 25 (2005), 41-57.
On almost one-to-one maps (with A. Blokh and E. Tymchatyn), Trans. AMS 358
(2006), 5003-5014.
Applications of almost one-to-one maps (with A. Blokh and E. Tymchatyn), Topology and its Appl. 153
(2006), 1571-1585.
Rotational subsets of the circle under z^n (with A. Blokh, J. Malaugh, J. Mayer, and D. Parris),
Topology and its Appl. 153 (2006), 1540-1570.
The Julia set of quadratic Cremer polynomials (with A. Blokh), Topology and its Appl. 153
(2006), 3038-3050.
On open maps between dendrites (with G. Acosta and P. Eslami), Houston J. of Math. 33
(2007), 753-770.
Planar finitely Suslinian compacta (with A. Blokh and M. Misiurewicz)
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 135 (2007), 3755--3764.
Wandering gaps for weakly hyperbolic cubic polynomials (with A. Blokh),
in: ``Complex
dynamics: families and friends'', ed. by D. Schleicher, A K Peters
(2009), ISBN 13978-1-56881-450-6, pp. 121--150.
Sets of constant
distance from a compact set in 2-manifolds with a geodesic metric
(with A. Blokh and M. Misiurewicz), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 137
(2009), no. 2, 733--743.
The Julia sets of basic uniCremer polynomials of arbitrary degree (with A. Blokh),
Conformal Geometry and Dynamics 13 (2009), 139--159.
Centerlines of regions in the sphere (with J. Aarts and
G. Brouwer), Topology and its Appl. 156 (2009), 1776--1785.
On monotone images of Cremer Julia sets (with A. Blokh),
Houston J. of Math. 36 (2010), 469--476, arXive:0809.1193. pdf
The solar Julia sets of basic quadratic Cremer
polynomials (with A. Blokh, X. Buff and A. Ch\'eritat),
Ergodic Th. and Dyn. Sys. 30 (2010),
Extending isotopies of planar continua (with
E. D. Tymchatyn), Annals of Math. 30 (2010), 51-65.
Non-degenerate quadratic laminations (with A. Blokh,
D. Childers and J. Mayer), Topology Proc. 38
(2011), 313–360.
Locally connected models for Julia sets (with. A. Blokh
and C. Curry), Adv. in Math. Volume 226, Issue 2, 30 January 2011,
Pages 1621-1661.
Characterizing isotopic continua in the sphere (with
Kirsten Valkenburg), Proc. AMS 139 (2011), no. 4, 1495–1510.
Density of orbits in laminations and the space of
critical portraits (with A. Blokh and C. Curry), Disc. and Cont.
Dyn. Sys. 32 (2012), 2027--2039.
Fixed point theorems for plane continua with applications (with
A. Blokh, R. Fokkink, J. Mayer and E. Tymchatyn), Memoirs of the AMS
224 (2013), no. 1053 , arXiv:1004.0214.
Cubic Critical Portraits and
Polynomials with Wandering Gaps (with A. Blokh and C. Curry),
Ergodic Theory and Dyn. Sys. 33 (2013), 713--738, arXiv:1003.4467
Finitely Suslinian models for planar compacta with applications to Julia
sets (with A. Blokh and C. Curry), Proc. AMS 141 (2013), no. 4,
1437--1449, arXiv:1009.1565.
in the language of leaves (with A. Blokh, D. Mimbs and K.
Valkenburg), Transactions AMS 365 (2013), 5367--5391,
On a notion of path length (with L. Hoehn and
E. D. Tymchatyn), under revision, arXiv:1301.6070.
Continuum Theory (with L. Hoehn and E. Tymchatyn,
in ''Recent progress in general topology III'',
(K.P. Hart, J. van Mill and P. Simon, ed.), 581--600, Springer 2013.
Dynamical cores of topological polynomials,
(with A. Blokh, , R. Ptacek and V. Timorin),
Frontiers in
Complex Dynamics: In Celebration of John Milnor’s 80th Birthday,
edited by Araceli Bonifant, Mikhail Lyubich, and Scott Sutherland,
Princeton Mathematical Series 51, Princeton University Press (2013),
The Main Cubioid
(with A. Blokh, R. Ptacek, V. Timorin) ,
Nonlinearity 27 (2014), p. 1879--1897.
An Extended Fatou-Shishikura inequality and wandering branch
continua for polynomials
(with A. Blokh, D. Childers, G. Levin and D. Schleicher), Adv. in Math.
288 (2016), 1121--1174.
dynamics of cubic polynomials
(with A. Blokh, R. Ptacek, V.
Timorin), Comm. Math. Phys. 341 (2016), 733--749, arXiv:1305.5799.
Laminations from the Main Cubioid
(with A. Blokh, R. Ptacek and V. Timorin), Disc. and Cont. Dyn. Sys.
36 (2016), no. 9, 4665–4702, 41 pages,
The combinatorial Mandelbrot set as the quotient of the space of geolaminations
(with A. Blokh, R. Ptacek, V.
Timorin), Contemporary Mathematics 669 (2016), 37-62,
24 pages.
A complete classification of homogeneous plane continua
(with Logan Hoehn), Acta Math. 216 (2016), no. 2, 177–216, 26 pages, arXiv:1409.6324
Non-degenerate locally connected models for plane continua and Julia sets
(with A. Blokh, V. Timorin), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A , 37 (2017), 5781-5795
Combinatorial models for spaces of cubic polynomials ,
(with A. Blokh, R. Ptacek, V.
Timorin), Comptes Rendu Math. (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.crma.2017.04.005.
Complementary components to the cubic Principal Hyperbolic Domain
(with A. Blokh, R. Ptacek, V.
Timorin), Proc. AMS (to appear), arXiv:1411.2535
- The parameter space of cubic laminations with a fixed critical
leaf , (with A. Blokh, R. Ptacek, V.
Timorin), Ergodic Th. and Dyn. Sys. (to appear) 40 pages, arXiv:1501.05568.
Laminational models for some spaces of polynomials of arbitrary degree
(with A. Blokh, R. Ptacek, V. Timorin), 116 pages, 13 figures, Memoirs of the AMS
(to appear).
Models for spaces of dendritic polynomials ,
(with A. Blokh, R. Ptacek, V.
Timorin), TAMS (to appear).
22 pages, 2 figures.
Slices of the Parameter Space of Cubic Polynomials
(with A. Blokh, V. Timorin), 60 pages, 3 figures, submitted (2016).
Extension of isotopies in the plane
(with L. Hoehn and E.Tymchatyn), submitted (2017).
Perfect subspaces of quadratic lamination
(with A. Blokh, V. Timorin), 18 pages, submitted (2017).
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